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|| happy Pride Month everyone! ||

After a short while of uncomfortable silence, Dream shook his head and said, “Doctor Blade, we’d better keep our distance. You know, I don't know how to respond to your feelings.” He wanted to make it clear and there was nothing going on between them at all.

Techno only sighed and responded, “I don't want anything from you. I just happen to want a break too, and it just so happens that we have the same destination. So please, don't push me away...You can think of me as your friend taking you for a trip.”

Dream did not respond at first, instead he turned his head and started at the busy street view flashing by in front of his eyes, “I... just don't want others to feel wronged.”

“You have nothing to worry about," Techno stated, "now that you've allowed me to accompany you, that's all I want. As long as you are not the one feeling wronged, I'll be happy.” He then glanced at Dream and gave his a soft smile

Dream did not say anything more, he did not know what to say. He turned his attention back at the cats, having come to his mind that Doctor Blade could take better care of them. Dream was the type a person who would rather aggrieve himself than treat others badly. Once a person had treated him with such kindness, he could not help but want to repay him back with much more. But he did not know how to.

Techno was very kind to him, not quite enthusiastic but considerate. But it was hard for Dream to accept this strange kindness. He felt like He did not have enough strength to do so.

Dream knew his illness well. Even without Sapnap, he could not spend the rest of his life with Techno. He just did not want waste the doctor’s time.

Dream thought for a long while before attempting to try and persuade the doctor to change his mind about his feelings. During his pondering, Techno remained silent, which pissed Dream off.

However, as for Techno, Dream's words of refusal sounded like love words. His soft and light tone not only had no deterrence or majesty, but also made him want to tease Dream.

When Dream first came to the hospital, he spoke very little. He was shy, reserved, weary and broken. Techno now found that once Dream said several long sentences, the tone of his voice began to change into a  soft, tender sound. It was soothing.


When the two men arrived at Techno's house, they went inside to pick up Floof. Floof did like cats very much, because as soon as he got in the car, he became excited. With his wet, pink tongue, he swept the heads of the four cats. At first, the cats were startled, but they gradually got used to this strange affection. Sticking out his head through the gap between the seats, Floof saw Dream. He, once again, became excited and went in for a slobbery kiss.

Techno immediately reacted by pushing Floof back while saying, “Your mommy has a weak body. No kissing.” Hearing those words, Dream's mind went blank and his ears reddened.

Techno glanced at Dream and grinned. Noticing his flustered state, Techno laughed, “Are you a girl? Why are you blushing?”

Hearing that, Dream turned his back to the doctor and huffed. He did not expect that a doctor, who was always upright, would say those words. Techno smiled, he did not expect that a person like Dream would be so funny. The more he looked at Dream, the more he liked him.

Dream began to get drowsy. Originally, he just closed his eyes since he did not want to debate with the pinkette. However, he fell asleep slowly.


When Dream opened his eyes again he notices that it was dark. Confused, he just sat there quietly, since he was not quite clear-minded. Dream could not see the expression on the man who was still driving. When he looked in the rearview mirror he saw Floof curled up with the cats, sleeping soundly.

Techno noticed that Dream way awake and said, “You must be tired of sitting upright for so long. I'll take you for a walk at the next rest station.”

“You must be more tired than me, " Dream replied, "you've been driving for such a long a time. We can have something to eat and have a rest later.”

Techno smiled, “Aww, you care about me.”

“No one else is sitting here except you.” Dream huffed, which was quite normal originally, but was now full of special meaning since Techno’s explanation of the simple five words meant something much more. So even Dream himself felt embarrassed, “S-shut up, just keep driving.. "


Everything went smoothly with signing the contract, but Sapnap could not stop thinking about Dream ever since he left their apartment. He had been in a trance all day, with his heart aching dumbly. He even wanted to give up the contract and go home to make sure Dream was ok.

So he left early in the evening and went to the store to buy food for them both. He even spared some time to ask Wilbur to make an appointment at the jewelry store. Tomorrow, he would take Dream out to customize a set of new rings. He hoped that in the future, they could have a good, long happy life instead of arguing and fighting.

The moment Sapnap opened the door, he knew that something was off. The room was dark and quiet. He turned on the light, in hopes that Dream was just taking a nap, only to find he was not at home.

Even the cats were gone.

Sapnap went into a state of panic, gripping his hair and ripping it out. He would not have been so panicked if the cats were there, but he knew that Dream would not taken them if he was coming back. Even if Dream went out and messed with his friends, Sapnap would have waited with a gentle attitude, which he had never done before, just as Dream had done for him.

Sapnap knew how much Dream loved those cats, he would have never given them away or abandon them.

As soon as he of thought of all possibilities, he felt chills run through  his body. His heart stopped once he recalled the strange Dream's strange attitude recently.

Then it hit him, Dream left.

There was no omen or foreshadowing. Dream had not mentioned anything about leaving in the countless if quarrels before or taken it as a threat even after knowing that Sapnap had other lovers.

Instead, Dream was usually gentle, humble and mild. He never complained. But this was the kind of person who would leave silently.

Sapnap quickly rushed into the bedroom, then the guest room, the study room, and everywhere else in the house.

He noticed that there was not a lot of Dream's belongings missing. But something very important was missing, one of Dream's favorite coats was gone.

Dream was gone.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now