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It felt uncomfortable for Dream to stay at the pinkette's place for such a long time, but he always had difficulty in refusing people, so he ended up having dinner at his place anyway.

Techno cooked up some baked potatoes with a side of mashed potatoes. Dream frowned at the barely touched potato in front of him. He did not have any appetite, but it will be impolite for him to not ear it. Doctor Technoblade must have noticed his frown because he suddenly stabbed the potato and placed it on his own plate.

“If you can’t eat anymore, don’t force yourself to. ” He said with a smile.

His action was so natural, but Dream was dumbfounded at his actions. It was way too affectionate for something between patient and doctor. But Doctor Technoblade did not seem to have noticed  how
strange his actions were, instead he continued to eat his meal.

Seeing that Techno was ignorant to the situation, Dream decided to keep his mouth shut, not questioning it. Techno did not seem to think much about his earlier actions either. After he finished eating, he started to hum a tune while going to the cabinet to fetch dog food for Floof.

Dream stood up, cleaning up the table, but his mind was wandering in all the weird places he should not be thinking.

No. It is impossible.

Dream  immediately rejected the thought. He was just a poor and sick patient. He is definitely overthinking it. But who will be so kind to someone without any in return?

He already suffered enough with Sapnap, his entire mind and body was already taken by him. Did he not already learn his lesson? There was so much happiness in the beginning. He dug himself his own grave, and now he needs to bury himself in it.

Dream was not able to come up with anything, and he did not want to be reminded of his relationship with Sapnap. So he decided to focus on scrubbing the dishes instead.

Techno then came back to see him finishing washing the dishes and asked, “I just went to go feed Floof, why are you washing the dishes?" He walked over to Dream and took the plate out of his hands before he continued, "My guest shouldn't have to be doing my chores for me. Are you trying to make me feel bad?” He  quickly rushed towards Dream and shut off the tap, “The water is cold, it’s bad for you.”

Techno picked up a towel and began to dry Dream's hands, making sure to dry every part of his hand. He noticed how pale Dream's hands were, they were so bony. He could see the blue veins clearly seen through the thin pale layer. It was not a pretty sight for a doctor, but Techno somehow saw  something extraordinary through them.

At that moment, Techno felt a burning sensation inside him as he stared at Dream's hands. The desire to hold them forever coursed through him uncontrollably. He never thought he would experience such desire by just holding onto someone’s hands.

The hand suddenly pulled away.

“I think they're dry now, thank you.” Dream said, interrupting Techno's train of thoughts.

“Oh, sorry about that. I blanked out for a moment," Techno said as he quickly hung up the towel on the rack, "Why don't you go take a shower, I can finish these dishes. You just had a fever, it would be better if you rested for a bit.”

“Okay then…” Dream said, before he was pushed into the bathroom by Techno while a bathrobe and a fluffy towel was shoved into his hand. Dream gave a small smile, thanking him.

Techno also went to the bathroom, located in his room and began washing himself with cold water. When he walked out, Dream was already asleep by then, his face buried in the pillow. The robe that he wore loosely over his smaller frame, which was too big for him, caused his pale shoulders to be revealed.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now