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||A/N soo, I went back to past chapters and where ever there was 'Doctor Technoblade', I changed it to 'Doctor Blade' since, to me, it made more sense. And thank you guys so much for 10k+ reads :]||

Dream's eyes widened in shock. He was so shocked that it  did not even occur to him to push Doctor Blade away. But when he felt a tongue creeping into his mouth, he finally reacted, biting down harshly on Techno's lips, shoving him away.

Techno immediately let go of Dream; the metallic taste in his mouth made him sober. He opened his mouth to apologise, or to give him a comforting hug like what a friend would do. But when he looked at Dream, all he can see is his face that was getting paler, was a look of disappointment for betraying his trust. Dream quickly wiped his lips in disgust while glaring at Techno.

"Dream..." Techno tried to call. He  wanted to reach out his hand to touch Dream, but the next thing he knew Dream was shoving him away again. Then he felt a harsh slap across his face, the sound echoing in the office.

Dream leaped the bed, stumbling since his legs still could not support him properly. He caught himself on the wall and tried quickly to reach the exit. Techno swiftly stood up and rushed after Dream, "It's my fault, but your body is still so weak, please lay back down!" He said trying to grab on to Dream's arm. "Dream!" He cried out again, not being able to stop him. Techno did not want to grip on to Dream's hand, in fear of hurting him, "I really do like you a lot, I really do! But do you really hate being liked by me that much?" The Doctor asked following behind  Dream as he hurried down the hospital corridors.

Dream stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at him. After what seemed like forever, he said, his voice still as gentle as ever, "Doctor Blade, it isn't your fault. I...I just don't want to see you make anymore mistakes."

It was strange, Techno was not  focused on Dream's rejection and his clear intent of putting a distance between them, but rather focusing on that Dream was so hurried in leaving that he had forgotten his coat in  his office. Since Dream's immune system was already weak, Techno was afraid that he would get sick again in this cold weather, "Stop talking, the weather is cold today. Please, let me take you back to your apartment. " Techno practically begged Dream, "I'm not going to force you if you don't want to, but if you want to reject me, do it in the car."

Dream could feel his heart ache at Techno's words. When they first met he seem so rational and calm, but now here he is, crying because of him. He became meek, stooping so low that he was willing to beg for Dream to not leave, asking him if it was because he was not enough.

How could he not be? He was always so warm and gentle. Dream always thought of Doctor Blade as a friend, even if they turned out like this. His heart still hurt for him.

Techno seemed to have noticed that Dream had stop struggling, he then cautiously reached a hand out to him. Seeing no signs of resistance, he grasped onto Dream's hand, feeling the coldness of it. He lead Dream to his car, his head a mess as he drove the car towards the apartment.


They were near Dream's apartment when Techno finally spoke up, breaking the silence, "Sorry...about earlier. But, I don't think that I'm wrong for liking you, although, I am wrong for kissing you before getting your permission.

Dream stayed silent as he traced the plain silver ring on his finger. Sighing, he stated, "I'm the one in the wrong. I received your gentleness and your warmth, yet I'm unable to reciprocate your feelings. " He stopped fidgeting with his ring before continuing, "No matter what kind of feelings you have for me, it is undeniable how nicely you treat me."

"I didn't treat you nicely just because I have ulterior motives." Techno frowned.

"It's not just that." Dream continued, smiling at Techno as if he understood. Techno pulled over at the sideway, watching as Dream got out of the car and walk to his window. He knocked on it, gesturing for Techno to lower  down the window. Dream smiled weakly, "You see, if only I wasn't in this state, I could comfort you with my body."

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now