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The driver was a vip member of the most famous luxury car club in California, also, allegedly, the nephew of a chief officer of some military region. The man drank a bit of alcohol and went to some villa to meet some whore, but his joyride accidentally killed a man. How could a lawbreaker like that be treated like a regular citizen? Loads of ass-kissers were queuing to solve his problem. The car accident did not even cause a ripple.

Not until two days later did Sapnap find out about what happened to George. The moment he saw the news, he felt like everything in the world paused, even his heartbeat. He was not in too deep of a relationship with George; the boy was just like a pet for entertainment purpose, or that's what he wanted to believe. But the news was still a shock to him.

Sapnap had earned so much money during his past years, it would be a lie to say that he never got some blood on his hands. He did not feel guilty or sad about George's death. But he certainly did not feel good about it either; it was like a small ache in his heart. He would have never expected that the man he spared would eventually die anyway. He suddenly realized that human life could not be manipulated by any man.

Later, Sapnap figured out why he was feeling bad about; it was the loneliness, derived from his extreme grief. George's death just reminded him of Dream.

Even though he knew that Dream had leukemia, it never occurred to him that someday he would actually die and leave him forever. Sapnap just wanted him back, he promised himself that he would treat him like a king and never do him any wrong again. He wanted to be together with him forever and ever.

But the reality was that not everything in this world would go at his will. Sapnap closed his eyes. He now understood what the unpredictable death was.


Fundy's wedding was held as planned. He wanted to postpone it until Sapnap calmed down and got Dream back. It was just that his fiance's grandfather was not feeling well recently, whose greatest wish was to see his baby grandson marry a good man.

Even without Dream, Sapnap still attended the wedding anyway. He prepared a rather expensive gifts for the two, it was Fundy's and 5up's special day after all. Sapnap wanted to put on a happy face for the wedding, but it was hard. You could tell that he was in a poor condition from his emaciated cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

Fundy ushered Sapnap over and warmly slung his arm around Sapnap’s neck. Fundy did not to ask for Sapnap to give them anything since they were close friends; but however, Sapnap couldn't stand another pair of compassionate eyes. "Come and get inside. The groom and groomsmen will make toasts to you in turn."

Sapnap shook his head and smiled, "Thanks, but I'll pass. Let your grandfather-in-law get the toasts. I'm just here to congratulate you," He took the gift and said, "A token of my best wishes."

Sapnap had always been generous to his friends. The stack of hundreds in the packet was just a symbol of good luck; what really counts was the card inside the stack of money.

Fundy was not aware of Sapnap's pattern. He cheerfully took it and grinned. "Wow, thanks Sap! You really didn't have to do this."

Sapnap gaze softened, he smiled, "It's from me and Dream."

Fundy paused and stared at him for a moment. Feeling sorry, he then said softly, "Sapnap..." His tone was filled with bitterness and sadness, "You're starting to grow some grey hair..."


Tommy left on the same night he came. He knew his brother quite well, so he did not waste his time trying to persuade him more. Tommy knew it was best if he just stayed out of it.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now