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Dream was walking home from the hospital when he noticed a shoebox lying on the side of the sidewalk. He could hear light scratching noises coming from the box. He slowly walked over and cautiously lifted up the lid. Inside he found four black and white kittens.

They were adorable. Dream had always loved small animals. He remembered begging Sapnap to let him raise a dog once, but Sapnap said no to the idea almost instantly; saying that pets were dirty and a waste of time.

Dream, staring at the box full of fluff, was deliberating whether or not he should bring them home. If the kittens were left out in the cold any longer, they could die due to hypothermia. But he hesitated, thinking of an explanation for Sapnap why he brought home something he specifically told him not to. Maybe just this once...

In the end, he decided to take the kittens home.


He giggled as he looked down at the kitten meowing at him. He reached out a finger to poke their small, squishy paws.

"Dream, I'm home." Sapnap called as he shut the door behind him, walking to where Dream was. The smile that was spread on his face immediately disappeared when he heard something mews coming from the living room. "DREAM," he shouted startling Dream "Why the heck do you have these things?! Get rid of them!" Sapnap chucked his briefcase onto the sofa as he glared at Dream waiting for his response.

Dream stayed silent for a moment while he continued to watch the kittens play with each other, "Where?" He asks. His voice held an emotion similar to loneliness.

Sapnap was not afraid of Dream shouting or going against him; but he had always been a softy for Dream's puppy eyes. He took a deep breath as he relaxed his shoulders. He softened his tone as he approached Dream. "Dream, once those things grow a little, they'll began destroying the house." Sapnap said, "It's for the best, get rid of them. "

"I...I don't want to. I really want to raise them." Dream mumbled, pursing his lips, unwilling to give up. (pissbaby)


"You know it better than anyone else Sapnap, that I've always wanted a pet since I was young, but my family never got one. Ever since then I always fantasized having my own house, and a cat or a dog."

Sapnap paused, then tried convince Dream again, "You been fine raising nothing for five years, can't you wait longer? Don't worry, I'll find you a better one, later though."

Later... There wouldn't be a later.

Dream could feel his eyes brim with tears. He lowered his head and said, "I don't want later, I want it now... Please Sappy, let me raise them."

Sapnap hesitated when he saw Dream's sad and desperate expression. Rolling his eyes, Sapnap said nothing, taking off his tie as he went to the study room.

Dream let out a sigh of relief as he continued to play with the kittens.


Dream had made a small bed for the kittens. He relocated them into the guest room then settled the kittens down before he went to take a shower.

Immediately after Dream got out, Sapnap pushed him on the bed. He then laid himself on top of him as he wrapped his arms around Dream's waist. "Mmm, you smell like something. " Sapnap mumbled.

"What do I smell like?" Dream asked, breath hitching when Sapnap lightly bit down on his sweet spot.

"Well, " Sapnap smiled as he took in Dream's sweet scent, "you smell like cats." he giggled. Dream felt his heart ache. He barely ever heard him anymore such a carefree giggle these days.

"Then go hug the cats instead of me." Dream laughed as he cradled Sapnap.


Sapnap shifted over to Dream's side of the bed and began to lightly kiss him. He then trailed down to his collarbone and kissed his way down to Dream's stomach.

"Ah, " Dream moaned, "please, don't leave marks." He then tried to push Sapnap away not wanting to show up at his appointment with hickeys again.


At the end, Sapnap was unable to control himself. Dream felt tired and sleepy, he could hardly stay conscious Exhaustion washed over him as he fell asleep after they were finished.

Sapnap watched Dream with a fond expression, but then frowned as he brushed over Dream's spine.

When did he become so thin?


Dream knew how painful chemotherapy could be, but he could never prepare for the pain he felt now. The process made Dream feel like death was better than what this was. His head hurt, he felt nauseous, every inch of his body hurt so much.

It was a living hell.

Dream had Algiophobia, but could do nothing to help it. His face was pale, his lips were bleeding from him biting them. He panted as he leaned against the wall, not able to move.

Techno was walking down the hall when he saw Dream in the state that he was. Dream glanced up and noticed Techno, "Doctor Blade, y-you never told me that chemotherapy would hurt so much..."

Techno rushed over the Dream a gathered Dream in his arms attempting to comfort him, "Dream, It's okay... It's okay... don't worry." He then hugged Dream closer to his chest, hoping that it could at least make him feel safer, "After it's over, you'll be fine. I'm here for you."

Dream only gave him a weary smiley, "It really hurts... what should I do if I can't endure it..." Dream, his strength gone, stumbled as Techno managed to catch him.

"Let's go to my office so you can rest first."

Dream's face was a sickly pale complexion, as he laid on the hospital bed. He could almost blend in with the hospital's white sheets. His eyes were unfocused, he looked out of it.

Techno felt that something was wrong, very wrong, but he tried his best to ignore it as he poured him a cup of hot water, "Here, have some water." (Techno really likes his hot water...)

Dream only stared down blankly at his hands. Not taking the cup from Techno's hand he muttered, "I'm so cold." Dream couldn't gather enough energy to draw the sheets closer to him. Techno, noticing Dream's discomfit, looked around until he saw his thick coat draped over the chair. He brought it over and laid it over Dream's shivering figure.

"Your body's condition is not great, you should consider being hospitalised." Techno said as he sat down next to him, "You won't be able to hide your illness much longer, you should at least tell others. Trying to endure it on your own is quite difficult."

Dream could finally gather his senses after having a bit of warmth. He glanced over at Techno with his emerald eyes and shook his head lightly, "I'm not going to stay at the hospital. I'll see how long I can endure it and that will be that."

Dream stared up at the white tiles. He wondered once he was gone, what would Sapnap do? Would he mourn? Would he care? Would he easily move on?


Dream thanked Techno when he was going to leave; knowing that he had caused trouble by staying for so long. "Thank you for today, Doctor Blade. And I'm sorry for the hassle today."

"Oh, it's not a problem. I'll call you again when it's time for your next chemotherapy appointment." Techno paused, hesitant to continue. "And, uh, also... your body is at it's weakest, so, I suggest you stop your...nightly activities for now."

Surprisingly, Dream didn't feel uncomfortable with that statement. Instead, he felt a feeling of warmth in his chest. "Okay." He smiled, agreeing to Techno's wishes.

(actually kinda scared rn.. one of my friends, I think, found my account and now I'm terrified)

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now