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||I think we all have heard the news about Techno :(( but remember, Technoblade never dies. I hope he gets well in the future.||

The better Techno treated him, the harder it was for Dream to accept him. On one hand, he did not want to hold him back. On the other hand, more importantly, Techno was too much like Sapnap when they were younger.

The tender way he looked at him with a smile and doting eyes; the great commitment and deep loving he had been showing discreetly towards him. It was all so familiar.

Dream remembered the time when the college entrance examination was just around the corner, his mother learned about the affairs between him and Sapnap. His mother, the gentlest woman he knew, picked up a broom to beat him yelling "You disgusting sinner." But that was not the part that stuck out in his mind, it was Sapnap pulling him into his arms and shielded him with his body.

He said to her, “It's all my fault. Please don't punish him.” He did not flinch as he shielded him from his mother's greatest pain and anger.

And then he leaned towards Dream, and said the words he could never forget, “Don't be afraid. I'm here, I'll never leave you alone.”

So Dream could only have the strength to never forgive Sapnap. But he could never be able to forsake all the memories and deep love they had had.

It was so unfair to Techno.


Sapnap went to Mount Eden the day before he left. For half an hour, he stood before Dream’s parents’ graves, and laid down bouquets of flowers.

His fingers were quivering uncontrollably. It seemed like Sapnap had gotten ten years older in an instant. The emaciation of his cheeks and his tired eyes showed no sign of the former untamed wildness.

His face was a little darkened by the overcast. His voice was low as if he was afraid to disturb their spirits underground, “I…” He paused a little bit to constrain his crying, “If I knew it would come to this, I would have never approached Dream from the start…”

It got away from him, the chance to have a better life. He would have been admitted to a great medical school and perhaps get a girlfriend. He would have became a doctor after graduation. Even though Dream might have not be happy, but at least, Sapnap would have not been the cause of his unhappiness.

He knew that he did not deserve Dream. He was selfish. After being flattered for such a long time, he thought he deserved all the flashy new things he wanted. So he went wild, and became a playboy who did not remember home. But to think of it now, if he did not have Dream by his side from the beginning to the end, he was nobody, nothing.

He pulled himself back to reality once he felt raindrops trickling down his face, “I know you must miss Dream. But please don't take him away this early…” Sapnap did not want that for Dream's short life. His life was hard when he was loved, while his life got better, there was no one to love him. Sapnap knew he could never compensate all the things Dream had lost, but he would do whatever he can. And for the rest, he would make it up to him in the next life.


Sapnap looked down through the porthole of the plane, where he could see nothing but clouds. The loneliness hit him at this instant. He used to think that he was powerful and fearless. It was only because he had Dream by his side.

Sapnap was great at pretending. He pretended he was fierce and strong. But in fact, he matured too late. Dream had always been indulging him, tolerating him. From the moment they got together till the end when he decided to leave him, Dream had never embarrassed him at all.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now