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After about twenty minutes of punching each other, they both called it a draw. Tommy flopped himself onto the nearby armchair while Techno laid flat on his back on the floor. Techno never expected that his own brother would fight him over someone outside their family. And when the two men fought, they fought hard. They had always looked after each other ever since they were little; but now Tommy had the guts to break that strong relationship, which absolutely broke his heart.

"You're an absolute piece of shit. Good for you, I bet you had a wonderful time with that dude, but do you know how much money I've lost these past three days?" Tommy asked, "In only three days I've lost twenty fucking million dollars! Would it cost you so much to have an affair with some other slut?!"

Techno had been feeling unsettled ever since last night. He knew something was coming,but he just could not put his finger on it. While he was in fear and agitation, his brother groundlessly got involved.

Tommy just went too far. He cruelly abused and defamed the one Techno valued and loved the most. No matter how much of a bad person Dream was, still, he was the one he cared about the most in his heart, the unattainable moonlight Techno longed for. Tommy had the it coming.

Techno never got agitated over anything, he was always known to be the chilled but serious doctor. But this? He was very pissed off that another man had been sleeping with Dream for more than a decade, which made what his brother said more hurtful, almost like a nail in the foot.

Techno had a bad feeling as he suddenly saw his brother look behind him in a brief daze.

Dream was standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes tiredly. He was wearing a thick casual coat since Techno had insisted that he might get cold a become sick. Inside the heavy coat, he wore his green pajamas.

"And you are?" Tommy frowned as he stood up and straightened up his outfit. He felt a bit awkward. He noticed that Dream looked a bit too pale, his eyelids were slightly drooped which hid his emotion from them. No one knew how long he had been standing there.

Techno was panicked. He took a step closer to Dream but stopped halfway. "Dream?" He called to him softly.

Dream slightly raised his head, his eyes empty and sad. "Techno, I was just looking out of the window; the plants in the garden have come into large clusters of leaves." This was the first time he called the doctor’s name, it almost made Techno cry of happiness.

Tommy was a bit shocked. He did not expect that this was the infamous Dream. He thought the man that took Sapnap's heart away and captivated his brother would have the prettiest face and have a vibe of a dirty, horny bitch in bed. But there he was, sad and lonely. He looked pale, almost dead.

Tommy always had a good memory, something his brother once had said suddenly occurred to him that Sapnap's lover was taking medical treatment at his brother’s hospital. But didn't his brother... specialize in leukemia?

Tommy still found it absurd. This was the first time for him. He was a businessman; he would carefully do the calculations about expenses and profits so he just did not understand what was in it for his brother. Techno made so many efforts mentally and physically to take Dream home, a safe place, but would not dare touch him without his consent. Even Tommy knew that Dream’s cancer was unlikely to be cured.

He could not figure Sapnap out either. The man had Tommy’s respect because he made tough moves in business and he was a sophisticated playboy. It turned out he already had someone at home. Not until his lover went missing, did he start to worry. He just went ham on everyone he was after. Vicious competition was but a double-edged sword. But, in this matter, Sapnap had lost more than Techno ever did.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now