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Dream laid there unmoving until he felt strong enough to get up. He slowly sat up on the edge of the bed and stared down at Sapnap's sleeping face. He looked peaceful when he slept.

Sapnap always had a handsome face; his face held a combination of both soft and sharp lines. His jawline was pronounce but there was a small bit of baby fat. His lips were a perfect shade of rosey-pink; his eyes chocolate brown and sharp.

Dream trailed his finger along Sapnap's jawline. He was becoming more handsome each year, but he would not be able to see how Sapnap would look like in future years.

“I will be gone soon, so why won’t you treat me better?” Dream laid down next to Sapnap, snuggling closer to him, “In the future," Dream continued, voice breaking, "treat whoever you are with better than me. There aren’t many people are as easy going like me. Find someone who has a better fate than me, someone who can live longer. ” He buried his face into Sapnap's side, then mumbled, “You idiot…why can't you realize I'm about to...”

Sapnap wasn’t able to sleep well; something was wrong, he knew something was wrong. He had a dream (no pun intended) that Dream and him were back in their high school year's. They were waiting for the train. Dream was smiling as he waved him goodbye. Dream sprinted forward on to the train tracks.

Sapnap knew what was coming.

He tried to scream, but it was useless. Dream was already standing on the tracks, a soft smile still plastered on his angelic face.

Sapnap was frozen, he watched it happen. 

Cold sweat drenching his back, Sapnap woke up with a jolt panting heavily. He reached around, trying to find Dream. When he felt the warmth of his lover, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

He pulled Dream closer to him and whispered, " Dream..." Burying his head into Dream's nape he continued, “I had a dream that you left me.”

Mind still foggy, Dream asked, "Where did I go?"

“I-I don’t know, but you're not allowed to go anywhere else.”

Dream blinked a few times, then with sleeping taking him over, his eyelids dropped back shut as he fell back to sleep.


When Dream woke up he found that Sapnap was already up. He got up himself and walked to the kitchen, pausing at the sight of Sapnap cooking breakfast. Sapnap turned his head around when he heard the soft footsteps of Dream, “Oh, great timing, I've just gotten done making breakfast. Come here and lets eat.”

Dream smiled. At least Sapnap felt bad after what he did yesterday.

They sat down at the table, Sapnap place a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of Dream, followed by a cold glass of orange juice. After a moment of silence, Sapnap cleared his throat and said, “Last night… I must have injured you, right?”

Dream didn't want to remember anything from yesterday, so he shook his head. Dream cut a bit of the eggs off and poked it around a bit, but having no appetite, he pushed the plate away and said, "I'm full." He of course wanted to eat what Sapnap had cooked for him, but he couldn't force down another bite; the medicine took up most of his appetite.

“Your appetite’s so poor, no wonder you lost so much weight.” Sapnap frowned, “If you keep getting skinnier, it will be uncomfortable when I hold you.”

Dream forced another smile, "I'm eating less so I can enjoy your cooking for lunch.


Doctor Blade

Your medicine is still in my car. Should I drop by after work?

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now