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Nobody can predict where the heart will go.

Sapnap could feel the guilt and regret rushing into him. How? How could he have hit Dream when he swore that he would protect him with his life? Why? Why did he have to fool around outside when he knew nobody could compare to Dream?

But it was already too late for regrets. The wound had already been formed and, it would leave a deep scar.

He knew he should say something to Dream. Anything. But, all of the words and explanation he had, was gone. He could only draw Dream closer to him, hoping they were still the same as before, hoping that he would never lose his Dream.


Dream was already asleep, resting on Sapnap's arm, not having enough energy to stay awake. His light, short breaths indicated that he was still alive. “I’m sorry…” Sapnap whispered gently, careful not to wake Dream. “I’ll change…please believe me. I only need you… please don’t leave me…”

Sapnap was lost in his own mess of thoughts. He did not know why he was panicking so much. His intuition whispering to him that he would face what he feared the most. It was the worst feeling in the world. Knowing that you were about to lose something important but not knowing what and when. But then, the doorbell rang snapping him out of his thoughts.

Sapnap gently laid Dream down on the bed, pulling the covers over him before walking towards the door, “What took you so long?” he asked as he swung the door open, letting the male into their home.

“Today’s Saturday, even private doctors aren't working.” The reddish haired doctor complained. There were beads of sweat on his forehead and a medicine kit in his hand, “I’ll say this first, the consultation fee is doubled.”

“Stop joking around, this is urgent.” Sapnap grumbled as he hurried the doctor into their home.

Fundy did not seem to get the hint, still taking his sweet time taking off his coat. “Alright, what’s up with you?” He asked, “Just a reminder, I don’t treat the common flu. I won’t be able to tell if it’s some sort of complicated illness, if it’s a superficial wound then maybe…”

Sapnap's face went even darker at that, “If not me. Go to the bedroom and take a look at Dream.” he cut him off, walking into their bedroom.

Fundy stopped at his tracks, looking at Sapnap, his earlier carefree attitude gone. “What’s wrong with him?”

Sapnap pushed open the bedroom door, revealing that horribly messy room. Bedsheets and clothes were strewn all over the floor. Fundy could barely walk into the room without tripping on something. Sapnap seemed to ignore the mess, stepping over it to walk towards Dream, “Quickly, take a look at him.” When Fundy got closer to Dream, he could not help but scrunch up his face in concern.

Dream was in a horrible state. He could not believe what he saw. Eyes wide, he glanced at Sapnap as if to say, 'you seeing this?'. But Sapnap did not notice Fundy's gaze; he only focused on his lover. Afraid to wake Dream, Fundy let out a quiet sigh, going closer to him to examine him.

Except for Dream's upper body, which Fundy did not check because Dream refused to let them mumbling that it was cold. Fundy found that there was not a place on Dream left unscarred, especially his lower body.

After he finished examining him, he beckoned Sapnap to follow him out, closing the bedroom door quietly as possible behind then. Once the door was closed, he could not help yell at Sapnap out of anger, “SAPNAP! I had never known you were such a sadistic person.” He spat out, “He has multiple injuries in his oral cavity, his lower body even more. I thought you're aware that Dream has haemophilia?” He stopped and pinched his nose bridge, “You're fucking around like this, what if he dies? What has he ever done to you?”

Sapnap looked away in shame, “I didn’t do it on purpose.” It had always been hard for him to admit to his faults, but this time he lowered his head quietly and continued to listen to his friend.

Fundy sighed, “I’m fully aware of what you’ve been doing for the past couple years. I treated it as if you were just putting a show and having fun, but after today, I really can’t tell if you still care about Dream anymore.” He clicks his tongue, “The last time I saw him was a while ago, but seeing him so thin and pale, do you even care for him?”

Sapnap rubbed his temples tiredly, his voice hoarse, “I can’t let him go. I’ll cut it off with everyone else.”

Fundy sighed, It was their personal matters and not something he could stick his nose into and intervene, so all he could right now is hope that Sapnap would keep true to his words. He cleared his throat, changing the topic, “Do you have any acetaminophen or ibuprofen? I forgot to bring any over.”

“Yeah, it's in the study at the usual place.”

Fundy walked into the study, feeling a chill down his spine. He searched for the medications when he realised what was wrong.

Before when he visited before, book upon books filled the study from top to bottom. Dream always enjoyed reading. The bookshelves overflowed with books, even the table was piled with them. But now, it had all changed into rows of colorful looking  glass jars. At a glance they looked like decorations, but Fundy was a doctor. He was sure that they were medicine, but he was an expert at treating open wounds, not identifying medicines, so he was not sure what type of medications they were. He walked closer to the shelve, squinting at the jars. They all looked familiar. "What are these for again…?" He muttered to himself.

“The water is boiling, did you find them yet?” Sapnap called, cutting off his train of thoughts.

Fundy furrowed his brow as he stood up straight, directing his attention back to finding the medication, “Oh, uh. Not yet. " He answered.

He shook his head, ignoring it. Probably vitamins or something. The name of the pills will probably come to him eventually, “The injuries in Dream's mouth will probably affect his speaking and food consumption. Remember to prescribe medications for him. Bring him to a hospital for a proper examination after he recovers a little, his body condition doesn’t look too good.” Fundy paused, the memories of the jars nagging in the back of his mind. “Have you been taking any medication recently? I  noticed there were some glass bottles filled with pills in the study.”

Sapnap was not sure either, shaking his head, “It’s not mine, I’ll ask Dream about it when he wakes up.”

Fundy was about to continue but a phone call cut him off, “Alright, I’ll get going then.” He said, waving at Sapnap while answering his call, a big smile on his face as quicken his steps. “I’ll come back home soon- yeah. I went to Sapnap's….”

His voice drifted further away, disappearing when he was finally out of sight. Sapnap shut the door behind him, a feeling of loneliness washed over him when he watched Fundy leave. He knew who was on the phone, his partner. He remembered back then when Fundy always played around, but after he met 5up, he never played around anymore.

Sapnap walked back into their bedroom and sat down next to Dream's figure. Sapnap placed a hand on his lover's face, lightly caressing his cheeks, “You were aware of everything all along…” he whispered, “I'm sorry Dream… I’m so sorry… I was wrong, please forgive me. I won’t do it again. I promise.”

His heart was still full of love when he gazed at Dream, but there was also a sense of fear. The unknown sense of dread of losing someone you had loved.

He could not believe that he called out someone else name when he was having sex with Dream. Now that he finally came to his sense, he realised how cruel he was. If Dream were to have any other partners except for him, what would he do? Probably go crazy.

He leaned his forehead against Dream's, “From now on, you’ll be the only one for me.” He mumbled as he hugged him tighter, closing his eyes to sleep. “This time for real. I promise.”

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now