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Everything good always has to come to an end, it's just how life works.

The sweetness of recollection should be shared by both lovers; unfortunately, one alone would feel nothing but loneliness. Dream’s heart began to ache, as if he was feeling the  pain that was built up all of these years all at once. It hurt.

It was now winter, the first heavy snow came nine months earlier than that the year before. Sapnap slowly walked out of the hospital with the truth weighing him down. He stood in front of the entrance silently; knees becoming weak, he fell on his knees. The snow seeping into the knees of his pants, the cold pricking his skin. He stared at the snow as he firmly grasped a few pieces of crumpled thin paper in his hand.

The copy of the disease inspection report, which took Fundy hours to find. Holding the report closely to his chest, the black writing on the report completely destroyed Sapnap’s last hope.

He was in such a spiritless and absent-minded state, that he did not see that Fundy had come up behind him and stood beside him.

Sapnap’s eyes were bloodshot, but he did not seem to be crying nor did he attempt to stand up. Instead, he began to tear the report into shreds, as if he was trying to convince himself that they never existed. However, he lost.

Staring at the shreds of paper, Sapnap broke down. He looked up at his friend, who was also in a state of distress, and forced a smile to him.

“This is probably just a terrible nightmare, " Sapnap muttered, trying to convince himself that everything was just a dream, "Fundy, give me a hand; I need to go eat dumplings with Dream. Like he always said, 'at the beginning of the first snow of the year, we should eat dumplings together'. I think I'm late, he might be waiting for me at home...”

Fundy could not help but also burst into tears; he sighed, “Sapnap…stop lying to yourself. It's just making things worse for yourself. ”

The retribution did come, and Sapnap indeed could not lie to himself. His mind cleared up, for the very first time in so long. He could clearly recall the snowy nights when Dream called him in a careful but excited voice, “It's snowing for the first time this year! I’ll make some dumplings for you... for us, " he added, “I miss you Sappy; are you coming back this evening?” The memories kept flooding in. Every word, every event, everything he regretted and wanted to forget, “Where is your ring? … Let it be. Forget about it, it’s not a big deal.”

Sapnap could not really imagine how Dream withstood all this pain alone, he even waited for him alone.

This made him realize that Dream was the only one whom he cared and cherished more than anyone else in the world. He loved him more than he ever could.

Sapnap slowly pushed himself off of the ground, hands which were bright red because of the cold wind. It was the two hands that used to be held with another pair, ones that used to hug the one he loved, and ones that used to gently caress and passionately love another...then things changed. Now these were the two hands that hurt the one he loved, touched another's body, and drove away the man he still loved. In the end, only  pieces of disease report were left in these hands.

Fundy angrily yanked Sapnap up from the ground. Sure, he felt a bit sorry for him, but that would not stop him from verbally abusing his friend, “Get the fuck up, you're making a scene. You should have expected the result. Even if he had not have had a disease like this, how long did you think he would stay by your side?”

Dream was not of such a disposition to be easily ticked off at a single mistake, and he would never blame someone even if he knew they had wronged him. He would never stop listening, even if he was hurt or betrayed for just one time. However, the most horrible fact about his disposition was that Dream, who was usually too casual to have any bottom line and too tolerant to have any limit, would instead leave no chance for explanation, if he was tired of endless cheating.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now