A Box Full of Poison

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(A Valentine's Day Dreamnoblade special... And I totally didn't forget that today was Valentine's Day. )

The two of them were cuddling on the living room couch, when Techno suddenly asked, "Hey, Dream, isn't it Valentine's day?"

"Yeah, Techno hummed, "why are you asking that?"

Techno looked down at Dream who was sitting in him,"How about I make you chocolates for this special date? What do you think?" After Techno said that, Dream's eyes widened as he became silent.

"Dream, are you ok? You look pale, what's wrong?" Techno asked him in concern.

"Oh, It's nothing." He replied trying to reassure the other male.

That was a complete a lie, the truth was, he was quite terrified of the thought of eating Techno's cooking.

He really loved Techno, he really did, but his cooking, let's say, wasn't the best. The last time he ate Techno's cooking, he was bed ridden for a week.

But Dream never planned to tell Techno the truth about his cooking. Because knowing Techno, there were two different scenarios of what could happen if Dream told him the truth.

The first scenario would Techno becoming really depressed at the realization that his cooking was bad. And the second scenario would be of Techno getting really pissed at him for lying about his cooking and he would probably murder him too afterwards.

Dream pondered these scenarios for a bit, and the second seemed less likely. But to be honest, he would rather prefer a sad Techno than an angry Techno, because the thought of an angry Techno was kinda terrifying.

"Dre?" Techno asked, waving a hand in front of Dream's face, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem to become more pale by the minute.

"I-I'm fine Tec, really." Dream tried to reassure him again. Now he just has to try and convince Techno not to make him any chocolates. "Say, Techno, I really don't think you should be doing that for me. I mean, chocolates, don't you think it's a bit clichè. And besides, making chocolate is a lot of work. "


"Alright!" Techno interrupted, "I'm going to go and start making them right now!" Techno got up and kissed him briefly on the lips before heading out the door.

"W-wait! Techno!"

Dream tried to stop him. But before he knew it, Techno was already off to probably start making some chocolates.

Dream sighed. His lover would probably be the death of him.


When the dreaded hour finally came, Dream tried his best to avoid Techno and his chocolates. Unfortunately for him, he found him.

"Dre, there you are!" Techno called as he approached Dream, "I've been looking everywhere for you! Here, I brought you the chocolates I promised you."

Techno brought his hand out from behind his back and gave Dream a heart shaped box with a red ribbon tied around it.

Dream awkwardly laughed and took the box from Techno, then began to slowly uunwrap the box. He opened the lid and saw that inside the box was a assortment of tiny deformed heart shaped chocolates.

The chocolates smelled like any edible chocolates would. But Dream wasn't fooled one bit.

"Aren't you going to try one?" Techno asked with a smile spread across his face.

Dream mentally panicked. "Of course I will! Thank you so much!" He took a piece of chocolate out. "I love you." Hey, he was going to die anyway, so at the least, he can let Techno know he loved him.

The last thing he remembered was putting the chocolate in his mouth and seeing Techno's delighted face.


Dream woke up in a hospital bed and saw that Techno was sitting beside, head in hands. He was going to ask Techno what he was doing in the infirmary, but before he could Techno said, "You passed out after eating my chocolates."

Oh yeah...He remembered blacking out immediately right after taking a bite.

Techno sighed, "I'm sorry Dre, I didn't know they were that bad." He than began biting his own thumb, a habit whenever he was nervous or upset.

Dream attempted. "Oh, no! You have nothing to be sorry for, they weren't that bad."

"You're lying," Techno mumbled, "Is that why you were trying to convince me not to make you any chocolates? Because you knew that they would taste horrible?" His face held a mixture of upset and dissapointment. If Dream didn't die earlier, well he sure is now.

Dream sighed. "Yes."

He was expecting Techno to be upset at him, and then hit or maybe even slap him, he was used to it due to his past lover. "I had a feeling you didn't want to eat it." Techno laughed, "And don't you dare say it was because you wanted to protect my feelings. You know I hate it when you try to act too much like a gentleman." Techno said, "I'm supposed to be the dom in this relationship. "

Dream didn't know what to say, so he just sat there staring at the white sheets.

"But don't worry, I forgive you."

Dream quickly looked up at him. Was Techno going to forgive him that easily, "You do?"

Techno nodded and added with a bright smile, "After all, there's still next year."

All of Dream's hopes immediately crumbled. Well, shit, he was going to have to go through this again next year. Dream mustered up a painful smile, "Oh boy! I can't wait! "

Techno laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm joking, happy Valentine's Day Dre."

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now