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|| hi :] ||

When Dream woke up, it was already late at night. He slowly stumbled into the living room, turning on the lights. He saw that there were wisps of smoke and the noticeable smell of cigarettes. Sapnap was smoking on the balcony, the cigarette burning in his hand, “Didn’t I tell you to quit smoking?” Dream stated, his voice hoarse with sleep.

Sapnap froze, immediately putting out the cigarette when he heard Dream, “Sorry,” he mumbled, “Why are you up at this hour?”

Dean ignored his question and walked over to the balcony, “You tend to smoke when something is troubling you," he stopped beside his lover and waited a second before continuing, “what are you worried about?

Sapnap smiled and reached up to ruffle Dream's hair, “Don’t worry about it, it’s just something work related.”

Dream did not reply to that. He felt dizzy all the sudden; splotches of red blossomed on his shirt. He was not able to process what was happening. He picked up the front of his shirt, head lowering down to examine the red on his shirt, but more blood gushed out of his nose from dipping his head down.

Sapnap turned around and was about to suggest them going back in, before he saw the bloodstains on Dream's shir. In horror, he quickly rushed over to him, using his hands to try and stop the blood that kept gushing out. “Your nose is bleeding!” Sapnap yelled, concern and panic laced his voice, “Look up, quickly! Raise your head!” He tried to make  Dream lie down. Both his clothes and hands were sticky with blood. “Why did you suddenly get a nose bleed?”

“The air was dry.” Dream said, shrugging it off.

“If that's the case, I’ll find someone to help you install a humidifier tomorrow. Uh, your clothes are all  bloody now…”

Sapnap reached over, attempting to unbutton Dream's shirt, but immediately Dream flinched away from his touch, “Sorry, I can do it on my own.” Dream said, looking away.

Sapnap looked stunned, before he clenched his jaw and looked away. Anger replaced his previous concern, “Psh, it smells disgusting in here, it reeks of blood. Fuck this.” Dream watched as he stormed out, slamming the door hard with a loud bang.

Dream loosened his grip on his shirt and began to unbutton it. He slowly slipped it off, revealing the bruises and needle marks that lined the insides of his arms. "Disgusting." Dream repeated.


Dream finished his shower; rubbing a towel against his hair, he walked out to be met with Sapnap, who had plastic bags around one arm. He blinked in confusion at Sapnap, thinking he would not be back yet. After all, he was pissed of at Dream moments before.

Sapnap huffed as he set down the bags, pulling out food containers. His face still had the 'fuck you' looked to it, “I bought you some fried liver to replenish your blood.” He then went to the kitchen, getting cutlery for Dream. Sapnap's tone was bitter but his features were still soft. Gentle almost.

“Okay.” Dream said as he gazed at the fried liver. He remembered there was a moment like this before. A long time ago, Sapnap would have never became angry over such a small thing.


It was early when Sapnap arrived back home. He shut the door as he glanced around searching for Dream, but found no one at home, "He probably just went out shop or something like that." he muttered. Sapnap sighed as he plopped himself down onto the sofa, eyes catching an unfamiliar scarf peeping out of the bag beside him.

Suspicious, he walked over and picked it up. It was not his or Dream’s scarf. He brought it closer to examine it, pausing when he caught a scent. The scent of an unfamiliar cologne… and the distinct smell of the hospital disinfectant, "What the fuck is this. "


Today’s chemotherapy was even more painful than usual. It hurt even more than last time where he thought each of his veins were going to burst. But Dream could only lie there, lie there in agony. After after resting a while he gathered up strength to get up.

Dream leaned against the wall for support; his face could almost blend in with the pale grey hospital walls. He felt nauseous, his legs weakening by the seconds. He crouched down in a pitiful attempt to regain his energy. Dream's vision was blurry from dizziness, it was only after a while did he notice a pair of shoes in front of him. He slowly and painfully shifted his gaze up into the eyes of Doctor Technoblade.

Techno looked down at Dream and said, “Why don't you come rest at my office for a while?” His voice was gentle, but Dream could see the underlying sadness hidden in his eyes. He did not understand why though.

Dream bit his lip, wanting to stand up and politely decline Techno's offer, but it took too much energy, he couldn’t stand up. Techno, seeing this, refused to let this continue. He suddenly crouched down and scooped up Dream into his arms, “Ah! W-wait Doctor!” Dream yelped, shocked at the pinkette's sudden action.

Techno did not respond to Dream's protests; eyes straight ahead, walking forwards with large strides, “Move aside, this is an emergency!” He shouted at the other people crowding the halls. The crowd immediately made way for the doctor, a mummer of confusion arose.

The room remained how Dream remembered it, the only difference being the duvet no longer smelling like sunshine.

“Thank you.” Dream said, mustering up a bright smile, trying to calm his heartbeat from the shock just now.

After Techno had put Dream down on the bed, he remained silent. Dream tilted his head in confused at the Doctor’s grim expression. He tugged on to Techno's white sleeve asking, “What’s wrong?”

Techno raised his head up and pulled  Dream into a sudden hug muttering, “I’m sorry… sorry… I’m so sorry.” Techno's eyes were red and puffy from the tears that were now flowing freely. The moment he looked at Dream, Dream felt the pure sadness and self hate in his eyes.

Dream stiffened at the sudden contact, but asked worriedly as he rubbed circles on the Doctor's back, “What’s the matter? Did something happen?”

“Bone marrow…” Techno managed to choke out through his sobs, “I found a bone marrow that matched with yours… it was yours, but the mayor’s son also needed it," his voice cracked, "The moment the testing was out, he got someone to reserve it for his son."

Dream paused, “Just because of that?" he chuckled, "It’s okay, I thought something happened to you.”  The one that should be being comforted was comforting the other instead. “The mayor’s son is more important than me, it’s not a surprise he has priority.”

“No. The son used it for his sick lover.”

“Then that person is a pretty affectionate person.” Dream smiled, trying to appear amused. But he knew more than anyone how difficult it was to find the right bone marrow. If he did not get it this time, it was basically a death sentence.

But that must be how fate is, Dream laughed. His fate has already been planned out.

Techno refused to let the situation go, “No, I’ll talk with the authority. There must be a way.”

“Doctor Technoblade, it’s completely fine. I’m just one of your many patients. It is inevitable if I can’t be cured, not by an accident.”

Techno stood up, bending down to look Dream in his eyes. There was something glittering in his eyes, “I don’t want to see you as just a patient.” Before Dream could comprehend his words, Techno gripped onto his shoulders, tightened his hold around him and blurted out, “Dream, I really like you.” He then leaned in and pressed his lips onto Dream's, “I don’t want to, but I can’t help myself.”

How unfortunate.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now