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The next few days were quiet and peaceful. It was too quiet, Dream would have thought time if it was not for the agonizing pain he felt.

He tried calling the doctor, in hopes that he could repay him with a meal, but he never answered Dream's calls. Sapnap did not call him either, but sometimes, when it is late at night he would receive a few messages from him that contained loving words.


When Sapnap finally came back home, Dream was surprised. He did not expect his lover to be back so soon.

Dream was sleeping when Sapnap came in. He had always been a light sleeper, so he woke up to the sound of the door opening. He quickly slid off the blankets and walked towards the living room that was now illuminated.

"You're back?" Dream asked rubbing his eyes. He glanced over to the couch and saw Sapnap taking off his coat.

Sapnap jumped at the sound Dream before raising an eyebrow asking, "Why are you still awake?"

Dream walked over to Sapnap and hugged him, "I just woke up. Why didn't you tell me that you were coming back this soon? "

Sapnap smiled as he pecked Dream's forehead, "It was late when my flight left, I don't want to disturb you. " He explained.

Dream hummed in response as he withdrew his hand from Sapnap's hold, "There still done leftover soup in the fridge, I'll go warm it up for you"

"Do it later." Sapnap demanded, yanking back Dream's arm. Dream stumbled, eyes wide from the sudden pull. "Did you miss me?" He asked in a soft tone as Dream fell on to his lap. "Did you miss me? When I wasn't around, did you play with the kittens everyday?"

Dream shook his head. Sapnap moved closer to kiss his lips, but Dream turned away, causing him to kiss his cheek instead. "I'm tired. You should rest too." Dream said, pushing Sapnap's head away.

"Don't you miss me?" Sapnap repeated once again as he picked up his lover and walked towards the bedroom, "Are you blaming me for neglecting you? Are you angry with me?" He questioned, nuzzling his face into Dream's neck. "I'm back now."

Dream raised his head, looking straight into Sapnap's dark brown eyes. Sapnap stared down at Dream with a loving expression. He noticed when Dream looked down, his dark lashes covered his eyes, brushing against his cheeks. He looked innocent and obedient, as if the disappointment in his eyes earlier was just a part of Sapnap's imagination.

Sapnap suddenly thought of the afternoon when Dream called him while he was having dinner with George. He was not sure if Dream heard George's voice when he called out to him. During that time Sapnap thought of many excuses, none he could think of. Fortunately for him, Dream did not question the voice. When Sapnap was finished with the call, he was pissed, resulting in him acting cold towards George. Unfortunately, George also become pissed, beginning to question him.

Sapnap hated those flings who thought they can replace Dream.

Sapnap had slapped George across the face, then, as an apology, gave him a return ticket back to the airport. The rest of his trip was just plain work.

Sapnap had thought Dream would have become suspicious, but he never thought the consequences would have been so serious.

"Dreeee, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, please forgive me." Sapnap mumbled as hugged Dream, pecking his brows and cheeks with light kisses, "I'll take you out next time, I promise."

Dream gave him no reply. He tilted his head to the side, allowing Sapnap access to his neck.

Sapnap could feel his heart soften. Guilt. "Dre, I love you the most..."

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now