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The chemotherapy was even more painful than the last time. Dream's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He could barely able to keep his head up, always jerking it up when he was on the brim of sleep. It hurt so much but he could only endure it by himself.

Techno could feel his heart clench seeing Dream in this state. "Here, you rest up in my office for a bit while I'll go prescribe some medicine for you." Techno suggested as he hoisted  Dream up and over to the bed, then draped a soft blanket over him. "Why don't you take a nap since I'll be attending to some other patients for awhile."

"Thanks." Dream mumbled as he buried deeper into the blanket. The blanket was warm and smelled like lavender. Dream bit his lip.

He wanted to cry for some reason.

He glanced up at Techno, who had a gentle and worried expression on his face. "Take a rest, I'll wake you up later."He said as he rubbed his back comfortingly.

Dream, both mentally and physically tired, fell quickly asleep. The last thoughts in his head before he slept were the scent of lavender and Doctor Blade's gentle smile.

A wet tear dripped out from the corner of his eye. Those who have suffered for a long time are not afraid of suffering anymore, but they are instead afraid of sudden kindnesses. Because they no longer know how to repay the kindness back.


When Dream woke up, it was already dark outside. He realized that Doctor Blade didn't wake him up like he said he would.

"Oh, you're awake?" The pinkette asked when he saw Dream trying to sit up. A slight smile formed on his face as he set down the document he has in his hands.

Dream stared at Techno before suddenly realizing where he was. He quickly sat up and ripped the white sheets. "I'm so sorry to disturb you." Dream muttered apologetically.

Why was he always bothering people?

Techno laughed jokingly as he shook his head, "You're still regarding me as an outsider huh?" He reached out his hand to grab the food container sitting on the table. "I asked a friend to deliver some medicinal food while you were resting. Why don't you eat some before you go home?"

Dream paused before saying, "How could I possibly-"

"Quickly have a taste," Techno interrupted him as he hurriedly opened the lid. "The food will get cold soon, and I haven't eaten yet, so let's eat together."

Dream opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut his mouth again. He fidgeted a bit sitting on the bed, looking uncomfortable.

Techno felt his heart hurt again.

He passed a fork to Dream before attempting to reassure him, "Don't worry, there's nobody at my house right now," He scooped up some of the food with his fork before continuing, "I just wanted someone to have a meal with, to think I've put you in a difficult position..."

"Oh, no, not at all, Doctor Blade!" Dream exclaimed quickly denying it, "you're a good person, no doubt about that. I just... I just have some difficulty accepting your kindness." He glanced up giving Techno a genuine smile, "Well, If you don't mind, then thanks for the meal."

"That's more like it." Techno smiled.

Not much was spoken for a while. Techno twirled the  plastic knife in his hand, lightly biting down on his lips as he looked at Dream. Techno noticed that he looked calm, having a faint, gentle smile still on his face. He also noticed that his smiles rarely ever reach his eyes. It always lacked joy or liveliness. He couldn't help but to begin and question Dream, "Your illness... is he aware of it?"

Not sure if it was his imagination or not, Techno felt that Dream became even paler at the question. "No, I don't  want to let him know."

Techno decided to leave it at that. Seeking a way to change the topic, he stated, "Eat up. I'll bring you back to your apartment once you're done." He  placed down his knife and stood up to grab Dream's clothes. He saw out of the corner of his eye Dream opening his mouth to object. Quickly, wanting to help him, Techno cut him off, "I'm just taking you back home, okay? Nobody's getting hurt. "

Dream could still remember how much of a problem it has caused the last time Doctor Blade brought him back home. But, judging from the look on his face, Dream knew he was going to be stubborn about it.

"Every girl wishes to marry a doctor, yet I can't see what's good about them. Are all doctors so pushy like you?" he joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well, it might not just be girls. I know this method is well liked by guys."

Dream froze at what he heard. He quickly whipped his head towards the  pinkette's direction. He just seemed nonchalant about what he said.

"I'm joking." Techno smiled as he took off his scarf and wrapped it around  Dream's neck. "It's pretty cold outside, be careful not to catch anything." He said walking towards the door.

Dream can't help but stare at him with wonder. His warmth still lingered on the scarf wrapped around his neck. Dream was not sure what Doctor Blade was thinking. He knew that there was nothing about him that could attract any person, not even his current lover.

Well, he might just be looking too much into it.

|| Ok.. I have a theory.. so Techno has this favor with Dream, sooo I think Dream is going to tell Techno to go kill Tubbo, and once Tubbo is dead Tommy is going to ask Dream to bring him back. Dream is going to be like, "I will, if you let me out. " So that's my theory of how Dream is going to break out.. ||

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now