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The pain Dream felt was very noticeable, it was the kind of torment that could drive a person insane. It felt as if he had a million of paper cuts inside his body, tearing through his blood and flesh. Dream always thought he had a high tolerance to pain , but every time the pain hit him, he just wanted to end his suffering.

Dream hugged the pot of flowers closer to his chest while he walked upstairs. This simple action caused him to because fatigued. It was beginning to hurt again. He leaned himself against the wall, panting heavily, a stabbing pain in his temples.

Medicine, medicine, medicine.... He needed his medicine. The pills were placed in different colored jars, those who noticed the containers would never have thought of the pain that each jar held. Dream always loved to collect the colorful bottles, till now he was still collecting them, but then the purposed changed.

He didn't bother to boil water, throwing his head back as he swallowed the handful of pills with a glass of cold water. He could hear his stomach growl in protest when he lied down on the bed. Dream curled up in a small ball and pulled his knees to his chin, his already thin and weak body appearing even smaller.

This was the longest time Sapnap hasn't been home, nineteen days. It was only nineteen days.

"So painful." He muttered, clutching his head. Dream couldn't stand the stabbing pain in his head. He slowly stood himself up and walked to a drawer, retrieving the book that was inside.

'Memory Book'. A novel by Ranboo. A writer who lost his mind, his idea of life. (I was going to put How to Sex 3 by Tommy, but I mean, this book needs the feels.)

Dream hugged the book as he sat on the sofa. He flipped over the first page, his eyes scanned over the faded, cream pages. His finger skimmed over the words written, 'Wherever you may be, is where I desire to be, from the corners of the sea to the end of the sky.' (I know this isn't in Ranboo's actual book, but hey, fan fiction and I right?)


Sapnap stood in front of Dream, blocking his way. He shoved the book in his arms; face turning red he stammered, "I heard from others that you're a fan of the author Ranboo... So I bought you his books. So uh.. I hope that you will love this book, and...

love me too!"

.・゜゜・End of flashback.・゜゜・

Dream bit down on his lips as he remembered those memories; he then brought the book closer to his chest. He sunk further into the sofa cushions, eyes blurred with tears, tears of agony. But he felt nothing. Dream closed his eyes and drifted away into another painful sleep.

It was late when Sapnap returned to the apartment. The sound of the key turning in the keyhole echoed in Dream's ears.

He woke up from his sleep and began to sit up slowly. The lights were off, and Sapnap thought Dream always slept in their bedroom. So he was quite startled when he flipped on the lights and was faced with a dead looking figure sitting on the sofa.

Sapnap took a deep breath before he began to yell at Dream, "Why the hell are you sitting here in the dark?! Are you trying to scare someone to death?!"

A mix of feeling washed over Sapnap whenever he looked at Dream. These days when he was fooling around with another man he felt nothing towards his lover, but after receiving the phone call yesterday, a sense of guiltiness hit him like a bus. Not being able to continue with the other man after the unpleasant emotion, it reminded him it had been a while since he had been at home.

"I Just woke up, didn't get the chance to turn the lights on." Dream said placing the book on the table, "You're not busy with work anymore?"

Sapnap's gaze didn't even fall on the book as he threw his coat on the sofa, face unchanging as he lied through his teeth. "Even if I'm busy, I still have to find some time to come home." Sapnap finally turned his full attention to Dream. "Have you become skinnier?" He frowned as he looked Dream up and down, "You're not a kid anymore. I would expect that you would know how to prepare a meal for yourself. Don't you feel disgusted looking at yourself in the mirror?"

Dream didn't know his heart could even hurt more. Every word Sapnap was like a sharp knife plunging through his heart, the pain felt throughout his entire body. Dream knew his thinness didn't matter to Sapnap. How could his appearance compare to the many lovers Sapnap had outside?

Dream mustered up a dry smile; he wanted to take care of himself, but life never gave him the choice. Did Sapnap want him to apologise for his own appearance? A doctor who was used to the death of patients his encouraged him to not give up. Even a wonton shop owner asked is he was feeling well. But this man, who he had been with for the past fourteen years, asked him 'Aren't you disgusted looking at yourself? '

Dream knew how Sapnap ran. He never spent his patience on things he didn't care about. Meaning that the loving words that were originally just for him, had lost it's meaning over time, turning into the meaningless bullshit it was now.

And Dream could only watch helplessly as it happened.

When Sapnap got done taking a shower, Dream was already lying on the bed, his back facing his 'lover'. Sapnap got on the beg and crawled over to Dream, then attempted to hug him from behind. Sapnap frowned when he felt the bones of Dream digging into his arm. "How much weight did you lose?" He asked.

"I didn't have an appetite so I ate less." Dream replied. His face morphing into a sadder expression.

Sapnap didn't see Dream's expression. He dipped his head to the nape of Dream's neck, trailing small kisses down his spine. But Dream pushed him away lightly, "I don't feel like doing it, I'm tired."

Though Sapnap's sexual desire was already fulfilled with his lover outside, but Dream's rejection boiled his blood. Dream was usually always eager to please him, so this unusual behaviour ticked Sapnap. "I've been gone for a while, don't you miss me at all?" He demanded. His brown eyes narrowed and the corner of his lips turned down.

Dream, feeling the tension between them, snuggled deeper into the sheets of the bed. "I caught a cold. I'm a bit fatigued. Why don't we go to sleep for now."

Sapnap stared at Dream. A voice in the back of his mind told him that Dream was hiding something, something important. But he couldn't read Dream. His expressions were always controlled and at ease. Sapnap was still guilty of cheating and being absent from home, so he let it slide. He flicked off the bedside lamp and went to sleep himself.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now