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"Dream? Dream?!" The doctor screamed. For a moment he thought that this man in front of him just took his last breath. But then he saw that he was still breathing, only sleeping.

Having a little anxiety taken off of his mind, he turned down the heat and began to drive to the hospital.

Techno had sat in hospital overnight while Dream was still sleeping. During his sleep, it seemed the other doctor was about to make some sort of conclusive declaration through his prevarication.

Techno did not listen. "Sorry, I am also a doctor." Both of them knew what he meant. He did not need the truth, all he wanted to hear was good news. He was not deceiving himself; he simply wanted to ease his pain.

Techno entered the ward to check on Dream a few times, but he did not dare touch him. Nor sentimentally pour out his feelings. He just wanted to look at this man's face, wondering why he was so pale and how much pain a man's heart could take. Is this world so cruel that it must torture this person for fun?

five a.m., Techno was in light sleep alone on the hospital hallway bench. His cellphone's constant buzzes suddenly woke him up.

It was an unknown number. "Hello, who is it?" His voice was hoarse due to him not talking for so long.

"It's me, Sapnap," There came a deep and sedate voice with a touch of unusual humbleness, "Please don't hang up."

Techno sneered, "Out already? President Sapnap."

The ravenette coughed before he caught his breath. "I'm calling to beg you." His voice sounded weak.

This was the word he rarely used throughout his life. He was a proud man, he grew up with that arrogance. Even when toasting important figures on tables at his humblest moment, he still kept up his appearances. He said the word though, to Dream, like a compromise that meant to spoil him, not forced at not.

An unyielding man's begging is even more surprising.

"You give him back to me, you can have whatever you want. Your brother has been craving for the Cobblestone Market for a long time, wait...why? Uh never mind, I can give up my shares if there's too much trouble," He paused and coughed again, "I have got the best expert and equipment in California ready for him, better than what he's got in Florida anyway..."

"Do you think I need your money?" Techno interrupted, eyes bloodshot, "Do you think I can't give him the best medical resources? When you were sick of him, you didn't give a fuck about him, leaving him to perish by himself. Now you suddenly want him back again? Do you think you're the center of the world?" he laugher dryly.

After the long silence on the other line, a surprisingly aged sorrowful voice came to his ear, "I love him, I can't live without him..." Maintaining his dignity in the conversation with his lover rival did not matter anymore to Sapnap, "I know I screwed up."

Looking at the cold, snow-white wall in the hospital suffused the strong smell of disinfectant, Techno felt more and more despair. "You screwed up. You're now making amends. You've figured out your true love. And then what? Will he go with you or will he get better? Do you honestly think you are a big-timer of California? If you were earnest and telling me that you had found the marrows that match Dream's , I would immediately drive fourteen hours to send him to that hospital. But oh wait, you can't."

The doctor suddenly lowered his voice and started to choke, "You can't... And I can't either. I traded my dignity for the marrows, but the mayor's son, Skeppy, took it before I could. If only you were as powerful as you acted, then maybe you could've done your part in saving Dream."

Sapnap did not even realize that Techno hung up the phone. He felt hopeless, he felt useless, he felt weak. As if he were a fish out of water. Lying there, having no idea what is happening or why he can not breathe. His mind just went blank.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now