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Dream's condition worsened. He had painful headaches and felt nauseous day after day. He was covered with bruises due to the subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Techno did not dare touch him. His heart broke once again for him. Dream did not want to trouble him, he just endured it and said nothing, no matter how painful it was.

It had become the doctor's routine that he would sleep after watching Dream fall asleep. He was a light sleeper, he would sometimes wake up due to the slightest movement made.

This day, he suddenly woke up finding Dream crying in his sleep. His forehead was covered with a thin layer of cold sweat. Whimpering quietly, he mumbled, "I... I felt so bad..."

All he did was mumble in his dreams that he was in so much pain. Just quit sucking everything up on your own. Techno turned up the bed lamp a little then began rubbing comforting circles on his feeble back, "It's ok, I'm here... Don't worry, it'll end..."

Dream suddenly reached out and grabbed Techno by his waist. His tears damped the doctor's rubber ducky pajamas, searing his skin. Dream's forehead was hot. He had a fever again in the middle of the night.

Techno wanted to go get him cold wet towels, but Dream hugged him even tighter the moment he had the tendency to leave. He muttered in a soft, poor tone, "Sappy... Don't go... Please..."

Techno frowned, he could not believe that Dream was still holding on to that shit. He gently once again began to rub circles on his back, saying a low tone, "No... I won't leave you..." Techno stared at Dream for a long time and he very carefully stroked aside his sweaty sticky hair, thinking to himself, ‘I deserve it.’

He did not feel aggrieved, angry or painful. All he had was the futile jealousy. He could not decide who was in the depth of Dream's heart and he did not want him to suffer. Techno had no desire of taking anything from him at the moment. As it had come to this far, he had nothing else to ask for; he just did not want him to regret anything.


Techno woke up very early in the morning, he went downstairs to cook breakfast as he'd like Dream to have warm eggs and bacon as soon as he woke up.

He stood in the kitchen blankly having had stayed up all night long, having nightmares once he closed his eyes. He saw the young Dream in his green and white school uniform running to him; on one side of his cheek, there was his small dimple; his smile was clean and cute. Techno also smiled and opened up his arms trying to hug him but he ran straight past him into the ocean in a distance and sunk himself deep into the abyss.

It was a bad omen at any rate.

Techno sighed; he took his cellphone out to check the date. One week until it would be Dream's birthday. Oh how time flew.

While the cellphone was still in his hand, it suddenly rang. He glanced down the number on the screen as he came back to earth, It was Sapnap again.

He now had a more tolerable attitude towards this man. He’d better spend the time taking care of Dream, because he did not want to waste time on trifles.

"What do you want?" He answered with a harsh tone.

Sapnap sounded weak and hoarse when he replied, "Is Dream with you?" He was now at the hospital, alcoholic poisoning plus the heart attack. Last night, Wilbur was worried about him, so he came to his house. He knocked on the door but no one answered. Luckily, he had the spare key, or else, Sapnap would have been in real danger.

"He's asleep," Techno could not be bothered to waste his breath with him. He picked up the phone just because he did not want to receive endless calls from the man, "Speak or I'll hang up."

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now