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||hold ya horses, the dreamnoblade is coming >:/ ... later ||

Dream was still lying on ground, blood soaking into his chest. After his heart finally stopped hurting, there was only quietness left in the room.

He examined the ring on his fourth finger. A ring he had worn for years. It was a plain ring with no design nothing admirable about it, but he still had loved it for so long. It was a ring which tied him and Sapnap together. It was his most prized possession, but he never thought that in the eyes of others, it was cheap and inferior. But today, reality slapped him across the face, making him realize what he was desperately trying to hold was merely a joke.

Dream slowly slipped off the ring, removing it bit by bit. It had been on his finger for so long that it hurt when he finally pulled it off. But what was left behind, was only a faint white line. He closed his eyes, then took a deep breath before chucking the ring as far away as he could. There was only the soft clink of the ring rolling under the sofa. 

Nothing else was left.

He pushed himself up from the floor and strode to the bathroom to wash his face, cleaning the bloodstains off his clothes. He felt numb. As if he was a puppet, and the stitches that held him together was what broke over and over again.


When Sapnap arrived back home, he saw that Dream was sitting in the living room, silently reading a book. Dream's finger rubbed the front page of the book, as if he had not heard him come back.

"Dre, I'm home..." Sapnap called out. The child that was tired of playing outside was finally home, reluctantly dragging himself back like a kid afraid of getting scolded.

Dream placed down the book, raising his head to look at the child. Sapnap still has not moved from his spot in front of the door. He had in his hand a large bouquet of pink carnations, eyes staring longingly at his lover.

Dream smiled at him, "You're back. Are these flowers for me?" He stood up to get the flowers, and Sapnap pressed lovingly a kiss on his cheek.

"Who else would it be? I got these because the jasmine flowers hasn't bloomed yet. I'll wait until they open to get you another bouquet." Sapnap said, chuckling at the sight of Dream holding the flowers in his hands. He did not know where to put them since the only vases they had shattered. "You haven't eaten right? I bought some food back, I'll go make dinner for you."

It was only six in the evening, Dream rarely ate so early when he was alone at home, most of the time he just skipped his meals. The medication was enough to make him full. But he still shook his head, pushing Sapnap to the kitchen.

While Sapnap cooked their dinner, Dream stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the frame while watching him cook. His eyes held a childish glint to it while ordering Sapnap what to do to their meal. "Put in less salt... don't put vinegar... don't put coriander you idiot!"

The end result had a bit too much salt, a splash more vinegar than necessary, and a handful too much of coriander.

"It's all your fault." Sapnap scolded, scrunching his face up at the taste of the dish, but with a big smile on his face. It was rare to see Dream act like such a child, and he loved it. He reached over and pinched Dream's cheek. But there was barely anything to pinch, his cheekbone seems to cut into Sapnap's hand.

They sat down to eat together, and that was when he noticed that the ring Dream had always worn disappeared.

"Dream..where's your ring?"

"My ring huh..." Dream looked down at the empty space on his ring finger, "Where'd it go?" he hummed. It was the exact response Sapnap had given him when he had asked. A small giggle escape from Dream's lips.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now