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There had been no fireworks at festivals where Sapnap and Dream lived for several years. Sapnap stood in the living room alone, feeling as the world silently and painfully closed in on him; it was as if he was suddenly left alone by the whole world. He found that he had done one of the dumbest thing he could have ever done—he lost his most cherished treasure.

He did not know where Dream would go or whether he had made any new intimate friends these past few years. The only clue of Dream's whereabouts was the phone number saved in his contacts. Unfortunately, after many times of trying to call him but failing, he came to the conclusion that Dream had powered off his phone.

Sapnap even wondered whether Dream had already been with the doctor. For the first time, he was frightened by that idea and profusely rejected to make associations with them two. Sapnap had made it clear that if someone dared to touch his lover, he would kill them with a kitchen knife.

New Years was coming up fast. January 1st, 2020. It would have been the 15th year that they had been together. They had both loved each other and had stumbled together through all these years. It was hard to say whether it was the 15th year of love or of acquaintance. It also had no answer if it was just a relationship or had been the short life of a pitiful man.

Sapnap kept smoking all night. Cigarette after cigarette. When dawn came, he rose to his feet, and for once in his life, his body, tall and strong, staggered for a moment. He looked down at his wristwatch. It was ten past seven.

He called the property management and asked if they could check the latest monitor of their housing estate. He hoped that there would be at least a clue if where Dream ran off to. Fortunately for him, people from the opposite side told him that the record within a week was accessible.

Sapnap's shirt, the shirt that was always straightened and crisp, was now crumpled and stained. He did not care to change it, but instead put on his coat directly over it and went out.

He knew that the security camera footage of the housing estate could be the only hint for Dream's leaving. Although only a week's time, what should be known would always appear by coincidence.

For instance, George appeared in the footage. When Sapnap saw the other man in the camera, he felt anger course through his body.

He finally realize that he had made an irreparable mistake.

At first, he thought George knew how to behave in that type of situation. He thought that he would not need to remind him. However, he did not expect him to have confronted Dream.

Sapnap was also angry with himself for giving an outsider a chance to hurt Dream. He had been aware that he gone too far, but now he decided to get onto the right track with him.

Dream was the foundation of Sapnap's entire life, whom nobody could touch.


The moment George opened the door and looked at the man in front of him, he seemed happier. With his feminine curves that would make any man fall for him, he said, "Sapnap, you finally came. I missed you so much!"

One would think that when you fall in love with someone, you would be glad at a mere sight of them. But that was not the case with Sapnap. When he saw that man, the man that caused his Dream to run away, all the bottled up anger threatened to burst.

Sapnap stalked in not replying to George's cheerfulness, glaring coldly at him as he closed the door. "You went and talked with Dream?" The sentence was spoken without a hint of emotion somewhat shocking George.

He had thought it would be all right if he confronted the parasite that was clinging on to Sapnap. After all, it had been a few days and everything seemed to be going well.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now