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Dream didn’t sleep well at all. He woke up early in the morning feeling horrible. He reached for the bottle of pills that was placed on a white  bookshelf, then swallowed them with ease; he was quite used to it. He walked to the bathroom and stared at the mirror, inspecting himself. Back stared a sickly, pale, and dull eyed man.

Dream splashed his face with the cold sink water, than began to rummage through his closet, picking out a thick jacket. He slipped the coat on then headed out.

Just before he was about to walk out, the phone rang. Dream's hopes that it was his absent lover soon disappeared when he saw the caller id. It was just the doctor.

“Hello, Doctor.” he greeted.

“Hello, Dream. " Replied a monotonous voice, "Have you decided whether or not you are going to get the treatment? It’s better to start it now than later-”

“Thanks for checking, I haven't come to a conclusion yet though. I may need to think about it a bit more.” Dream cut him off, with the same quiet voice and a gentle smile plastered on his face.

After a small chat, Dream said his goodbyes then walked out. It was still too early, barely eight o’ clock when Dream arrived at the familiar shop. The owner was clearing away the stall when he saw Dream approaching, “Oh, hello! You haven’t been here for quite some time, Dream!” He welcomed cheerfully.

“Ah, sorry. I’ve been a bit busy. You know, with the moving of houses.” Dream replied back, sitting down at one of the tables.

The owner’s wife walked up to him and saw Dream, “Why, child, have you been overworking yourself? Look at how skinny you’ve become.” She remarked after seeing him. She set down a bowl of wonton in front of him.

Dream just smiled. He wasn’t busy, it was because he didn’t have an appetite.

He stared at the bowl, the warm scent filled his nose. Picking up his spoon, he stirred the pieces of floating seaweed, the steam floated up into his face.


“Let’s eat.” Dream said picking up his spoon.

“You go ahead. I’m not hungry.”

Dream smiled, he then called to the waiter, “Excuse me, can you bring me another bowl?” When the waiter arrived with another bowl, Dream poured the wonton in the separate bowl, pushing it to Sapnap.

“Let’s eat it together, I don't want you to go hungry while you're working. "

Sapnap stared at the wonton. Tears running down his face, Sapnap swore, “For my entire lifetime, I will never let you down, Dream.”

.・゜゜・End of flashback.・゜゜・

It had been ten years since Sapnap said that, but the price of the wonton remained unchanged. But once Dream bit into the skin, he knew there was not as much stuffing. The size also became smaller.

Just like his and Sapnap’s love.

Dream didn’t have an appetite, but he still finished every last piece of wonton. He kept his head low as he ate, afraid of people noticing the wet tears dripping down his face. Dream remembered the first few years when they had moved to (a place because I'm too lazy to choose one) . That time, every step they took was difficult. They used to share one bowl of wonton because they couldn't afford another. He still remembered the way Sapnap's tears fell into his bowl with a slight splash, promising him he will never let Dream down. The memory was imprinted in his mind.

Those words that were sweet lies  disguised as promises, but Dream believed every lie.

Dream thought he could keep the food in his stomach, but the remains still reached his throat. He quickly shot up and rushed to the public bathroom. He knelt down in front of the toilet bowl, then he puked everything back up.

Dream stared down at the bile that filled the toilet. A familiar sight to him. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands.

Wrapping his coat tighter around him, Dream began walking to the hospital for his appointment.

“… In short, you need accept the chemotherapy as soon as possible." The pink haired doctor said with the same monotonous voice, "It will only get more dangerous the longer you wait.”

How could Dream not be afraid? Afraid of loneliness, afraid of disappointment, but even more so, afraid of being by himself.

“I…” Dream bagan, tilting his head up to face the Doctor, “I’m pretty scared. Especially now that I’m alone. I don't think I'll be able to cope with it.” He shook his head lightly, the usual soft smile became a sad one, “Please, prescribe more medicine for me, I will consider it for a bit longer.”

The doctor sighed pinching his nose bridge, but Dream continued, “Dr. Blade, my nosebleeds are getting better and are happening less frequently, but my fevers are getting more intense. Two nights ago, I had a nightmare where I turned into a large oven, my organs were boiling. I almost thought that I wouldn’t be able to pull through.”

The scribbles that the doctor was  writing came to an abrupt stop. He had seen plenty of patients, of which their emotions ranges from miserable  to slightly irradiated, but none of them shown the loneliness that Dream radiated.

“You are one of my patients, Dream. If you go through the treatment, I’ll be right there with you.” Dr. Blade smiled, his usual monotonous voice became a lighthearted one. “It’s no big deal, you gotta hold on to some form of hope in life, right?”

Dream smiled, the smile reached his eyes this time, but he gave the same answer. “I will think about it.”

“Alright, you can go collect your medicine at the usual place.” Dream nodded then stood up to leave, but Dr. Techno called out behind him. “Wait, before you go, take this.” He said, reaching out to give Dream the pot of orchid that was placed on his desk. “Don’t let your mind wander around when you’re all by yourself. Pick up a new hobby, for example, raising flowers.”

Dream stared at the flowers, startled, but quickly rejected the offer after snapped out of his thoughts. “Thanks doctor, but I don’t know how to raise flowers, especially orchids.” He replied then pushed the orchid back into the Doctor’s hand.

Sighing the doctor said, “Knowing how to raise flowers isn’t a hard thing to learn, I’m more hoping that you would quickly agree for me to begin arranging for your treatment.” A slight smile formed on the doctor’s face, “Once you are better, my flowers will be looked after better.”

Dream wasn't so sure. Only those who love flowers are able to take care of them. (that's not true. I love my succulents but somehow I always end up killing them) But seeing that the doctor genuinely meant what he said Dream reluctantly agreed. “Alright then.” He said taking the orchid.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now