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Sapnap had not been back to visit this place for many years. Even if there was an important interchange meeting here, he would just send his confidential assistant over. Before, he never gave what was in the past a second thought, but now he suddenly realized that he felt guilty.

He owed Dream from the start. Granted, being good to him, standing up for him was all because of the small crush on him; but more often, the selfishness of an adolescent boy that was a show off and impatiently vanity-oriented. He would get complacent every time he saw Dream blush or being evasive. He got the self-conceit when his confession of love was accepted.

Dream was always the silly one. He kept every little random endearment of Sapnap's in mind and paid him back with his love wholeheartedly as if he owed him a great debt.

The very first time they did the smexy was on Sapnap's 18th birthday. In a shabby cheap hotel, they did it on an old bed made of planks where god knows how many people had fucked. Both of them lacked experience; Sapnap was impulsive and curious; Dream compromised throughout the whole thing.

That time, Dream got hurt, but he did not even make a sound. Nor he dared because sound insulation of the room was horrible. He had been submissive in silence, insecure and conditioned to compromises ever since.

Sapnap did not pretend to love Dream, not even after many years, but he had always loved himself a bit more. This was why he randomly picked Dream, despite the arduous future lying ahead of him, why he looked for sex out there when Dream could not meet his desires, why he was so possessive of him that he kept him restricted in the house.

But now it had come to the stage of life and death. The moment that Sapnap had to face the consequences, he realized that he loved Dream slightly more than he thought. Well, more than slightly, he loved him more than himself. If, at this point, anyone offered the recovery of Dream's health at the cost of Sapnap's career or even his life, he would agree without a second of thought.

His love for Dream never lessened; on the contrary, it built up little by little. It started with the reckless passion of a young man, then was lost in temptations, and now came to the awakening. For years, Sapnap had been soaked in Dream's tenderness that could even melt a stone-heart.

Sapnap's lips appeared blue. He heavily pressed his chest and took the pills out of his pocket.

The manager sitting in the passenger seat peeked at Sapnap through the rearview mirror. Last time he saw his boss was at a meeting in Wyoming headquarters around this year's National Day Holiday, when the man was spirited, bossy and confident. But only after less than six months, he became so dejected, as if he took a hard fall from the divine pedestal. The manager kept silent, which was discerning of him, and told the driver to head straight to the hotel.


It was a cloudy day and it rained for about the whole afternoon. The house was suffocatingly cold and humid.

Dream's body was more sensitive than the weather forecast. For the whole day, lassitude and a bad appetite had been holding him down. Anything he ate, he puked them out, which made Techno worry.

At the end of the day, Dream threw up all the honey water that Techno fed him, and the vomit was even mixed with blood.

Techno was horrified. He immediately got Dream into the car, raced to hospital and had him injected ara-C.

Dream then fell into a painful sleep at hospital. The doctor held him tightly in his arms as he did not want the thin bed-sheet in the ward to chill him. Techno was genuinely frightened. His heart pounded so hard that he had a difficult time controlling the steering wheel and it was something he did not want to experience again.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now