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When Sapnap arrived at his home, Fundy was already waiting outside the door, wearing only a thin sweater. He looked anxious and worried, but why? “What took you so long?” he frowned.

Sapnap rolled his eyes as he took out the key and opened the door, “Why are you in such a hurry to get into my apartment?"

Fundy just ignored him. Without a second consideration, he made his way into the study room and found the colorful bottles. All of them the way he had last seen them. Then it clicked with him, Dream did not take them with him. How strange.

Fundy walked over to them and began checking them one by one, picking up each bottle, rotating them in his hands. Some specific pills were not easy to recognize. He was not as advanced as Doctor Blade, so it was difficult for him to recognize those  pills. At first, he planned to take some for a drug test, but a certain light green bottle caught his attention He reached out and grabbed the bottle, pouring out two pills onto his hand and examining them.

He knew this medicine very well.

It was Thioguanine, a certain medicine for blood cancer. Last time he came, he was in a hurry to leave, making him not see it clearly.

Sapnap stood behind him silently. Slowly, Fundy turned to face him, with a compassionate but angry look on his face.

Fundy thought of the pallor and sickly look Dream had the last time he saw him. He thought of Dream's blood clotting disorder as well as his gentle, warm eyes and his smiling face every time he came to Sapnap's home for dinner.

Fundy shook his head and chuckled weakly, “I'm so sorry I didn’t fucking slap you when I first saw you with a  man who wasn't Dream.”

Sapnap's heart ached because he knew he deserved it. He took a few steps forward and was about to ask something, but Fundy beat him to it, "Do you love Dream?”

“Of course I do,” Sapnap answered without a second thought, " Why are you as-" Suddenly Fundy grabbed his collar and punched him in the face.

After turning a blind eye to Sapnap's habits, he felt guilty. With teeth clenched, he yelled, “You love him?! Are you shitting me?! Fuck your love!" He then shoved Sapnap onto the ground, "you love him yet you go out and fucking cheat on him! You love him yet you can't see his physical and mental state getting worse and worse! You love him so you fucking rape him!”

Sapnap could not reply to Fundy's outburst due to his shame, but he was pissed off at him for accusing him without knowing what the situation was. “Oh fuck off, Fundy! You don’t know shit about our relationship. Sure, I cheated on him and did other stuff to him, but you don't think I feel horrible about that!? I promise I'll take better care of him, I promise won’t let him go.”

“Sapnap, you're fucking shameless!” Fundy was about to punch him again, but he stopped and took a deep breath. Then he continued with coldness and sarcasm laced in his voice, “When you go out and do whatever you do, Dream may be having a bone marrow puncture and may not be about to even stand up. When you suspected that he was cheating on you, he may have just struggled back home after his chemotherapy. The reason he always wears long sleeves and coats is probably because he wanted to cover his arms and hide all the bruises and scars.”

Sapnap had noticed these things, but he did not question it. His pride and confidence suddenly vanished. Like a child who had just been told no, he asked at a loss, “... w-what are you talking about?”

Fundy sneered down at him, with tears of anger brimming the corners of his eyes, “Dream left because he wanted to be free. Free from you. Free from this world. ” He then turned around to leave, to leave this pathetic person on the floor.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now