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{Warning for this chapter -rape. I will put ⚠⚠⚠ when the part is coming up. If you are uncomfortable with that kind of stuff, please skip that part}

Dream slid down the wall outside of their apartment door then propped his head against the stone wall. A memory of their past came creeping into his mind while he suffered a fever.


They were just ordinary seatmates when they first met each other, but fate wanted to play a fun game. Dream still remembered the first words Sapnap said to him, "There's a nice smell coming from you."

Dream, cocking his head to one side with a confused expression replied, "Nice smell?" Then he remembered the Jasmines that he was smelling that morning. "Oh." He said smiling.

Dream was about to tell Sapnap what the smell was, when the person behind them whacked Sapnap with a textbook then told him to shut up.

Dream let at a small chuckle at the sight of Sapnap rubbing the back of his head, with his lips forming a pout.

The next day, before school, Dream picked a small bouquet of Jasmines. Handing them to Sapnap, Dream said smiling, "Here's what you were smelling yesterday, they're Jasmines"

Sapnap stared at the smile that light up Dream's face before taking the small bouquet of flowers. "Thanks." He replied with a bright grin, taking the flowers into his hands.

From that moment on, they slowly grew closer.

"Dreeeaaaaaammm." Sapnap whined, grabbing on to the hem of his shirt giving him sad puppy eyes, "Dweam, lemme copy your homework, pretty please." Dream sighed as he pushed his homework towards him. He smiled when Sapnap's face light up.


"What kind of book do you like to read?" Sapnap asked, as he laid his head on Dream's shoulder. "I wanna know."

Dream gave Sapnap a warm smile as he poked his forehead. Dream knew that Sapnap had no interest in reading books, judging from the way his face morphed into a confused expression whenever he read something. Dream stood up and closed his book then said, "You won't like it."


"Dream! Come watch me play basketball!" Sapnap said grabbing Dream by the arm and pulling him away.


One morning, Sapnap asked Dream, "Can you bring me to go see the jasmine flowers?" Dream agreed to Sapnap's request because he knew how much he liked the smell of the flowers.

They arrived at the small flower shop after a short walk. The backyard was full of the sweet smell of the flowers. Dream went over to the flowers and began to smell them, taking in the relaxing feel they gave him.

Sapnap suddenly came over to Dream and wrapped his arms around Dream's waist and buried his head into the back of his neck "It's the same scent... You smell nice." He mmumble causing Dream to blush.


"Hey Sap, " One of Sapnap's friends said while walking into the classroom he was in, "you up for a game of ball?"

Sapnap no longer played as much basketball as he did, so he replied, "You guys go on, I'm fine." then calmly went back to drawing in his sketchbook.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now