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Sapnap did not see this coming, he took a hard punch to the face. And before he could react, another fist was flying towards his face. He did not feel the need to fight back, but he managed to dodge it in an awkward way.

Sapnap was not a pushover, he had always been unyielding ever since he was little. He never tolerated any humiliation except if it was for Dream. But today, he just did not want a fight with anyone, since the mess after the fight would not look too good. "I don't want to fight you," He said as he spat blood out of his mouth, "I'm here to take Dream home."

Techno sneered at him and asked him with a glare, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"

"This has nothing to do with you, it's just between Dream and myself, " Sapnap frowned, " And you, an outsider, tell me that I'm in no position to say something like that?" There were no curses but what he said sounded harsh, like he naturally thought the doctor was at a lower rank than him, and like he was the one that knew and loved Dream the most all along.

Techno kept silent briefly and held his impulsiveness back. He just stared right at the man with his probing eyes that bore perplexing doubts and pure confusion. Then he said in a low voice, "How did he manage to fall for a person like you..." What was good about him apart from his looks?

"Don't question our relationship with your shallow judgment. Give Dream back to me." Sapnap commanded in a cold tone, trying not to show his accumulated guilt and pain.

"Shallow judgment? Sapnap, I assume you know how Dream and I met, right?" The pinkette asked as he burst into a sarcastic laughter, "Well, I'll inform you incase you were too busy to notice anything going on around you. In November, when Florida had its first snow, he came to the hospital for his medical report, alone. He seemed to feel very cold despite the thick down jacket he was wearing. I didn't ask him if he had a family because that wasn't the first time that he came to the hospital." Techno paused because of a small choke, "He was always on his own from the very beginning. No family, no friends, no lover. Bone marrow aspiration was so painful yet he kept quiet. Later, he refused the flowers I gave him, but eyes don't lie, I could tell he was very happy. However, he returned the flowers to me the next day. That moment, his eyes were so dim that no sign of hope could be traced."

Heart cramps struck Sapnap so hard that he felt like vomiting. He had no impression of what Dream had suffered through a few months ago at all. What was he busy with back then? Going on trips, business expansion, staying out all night... He did remember the flowers though, but he was the guy that killed Dream's little joy and hope.

"I thought that he was alone...I thought that he had no one around to care for him. But one time, I saw a hickey on his neck and I learned that he had a gay lover, so I started to have thoughts. How could I not? He was the first one I wanted to look after with all my heart the very moment I saw him."

Techno had stayed up all night, now the anger only added to the redness in his bloodshot eyes. He glared at The raven's eyes, "You knew. You knew how much he loved you, why didn't you help him? He agreed to do chemo but he stopped coming after I sent him home that day. Why did he leave for no reason?"

Sapnap's lips quivered involuntarily. He struggled to open his mouth but could not make any sound. He knew exactly what he did. He suspected that  Dream and the doctor were having an affair, he freaked out, he hit him, he cursed and fucked him. He failed to keep George in control, which was the last straw to devastate Dream's heart.

"I know I was wrong..." His eyes dimmed as he hung his head, "Honestly, I..." Techno's hard punch cut him off. Sapnap did not try to dodge this time.

"A bit late for that! Huh? Don't you think?" Techno yelled as he menacingly grabbed Sapnap by his collar, "I'll give you one last chance to right your wrongs right now. This is what you need to do. You love him, don't you? Go inside and talk him into taking the medical treatment! Would admitting your mistake cure him? No!" Techno panted heavily, acting opposite to his normal gentleness. "There's something that you cannot fix by simply admitting your fault! Just one apology would offset all the fucks you had out there? Just one apology would make it up to him after all these years' of indifference and abuse of yours? No! You are only making yourself feel better by deceiving yourself!"

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now