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Dream woke up especially early today. The sky was still completely pitch-black, with only the street lamps illuminating the dark streets. He could not remember the last time he slept well, his insomnia has gotten worse and worse with every passing day, barely being able to sleep for over four hours.

He stood in front of the mirror, staring at the pale, sickly looking person in the mirror, “Will I be able to live a happy life?” He asked, voice light.

Nobody answered him. Dream smiled, bending down to spit out in the sink the blood that was choking him. He wiped his mouth, looking back up to stare at himself again. Sometimes, he told himself to not think about it too much, but he could not help it.

He would try and tell himself that everything was fine, that everything was going to be ok. But it was not the first time Sapnap went out to fuck around. He should already be thankful that Sapnap was returning home now, why was he still complaining? But he could not tell himself that now. He was getting more sensitive, not able to control his temper anymore. With both his heart and body suffering, he already forgotten how he had done it before.

What was the point anymore? Dream thought to himself. He had already given up on his relationship with Sapnap, hadn’t he? They have been together for this many years, why can it not continue? Their once beautiful story slowly turned into what was now. It was only when every last bit of love dried up will he wake up from this story, and that was when it was time to give up.

Giving up did not mean he no longer loved Sapnap, but rather, he was so tired he could no longer love him anymore.

It was only after Dream heard the doorbell ring did he snap out of his thoughts. He straightened his back and walked over to open the door, thinking it was a clerk or Wilbur. But he did not expect the young boy that was now in front of him.

The boy was really good looking. He was a bit shorter than him, tan skin, eyes bright and full of innocence. A thought flash across his mind, but he could not catch on to what it was.

“Excuse me, are you Dream?” The stranger asked, “My name is George, can we have a chat?”

The vivid thought that was in his mind moments before became clear now. The boy's eyes were shining with youth. The kind that Sapnap liked the most.

Dream never thought that Sapnap's  lover would come knocking on his door. A dull pang hit his heart causing him to slow down, taking him a while to finally process what was going on.

“Can I come in to sit?” The boy's voice was a bit high, it definitely sounded young.

Dream lowered his head, stepping aside and opened the door wider, “Please come in.”

George stared at Dream for a second, before nodding and slipping into the apartment. He knew that this was somebody irreplaceable to Sapnap, someone he held dearly. George had always been curious about what kind of person he was, but Wilbur had warned him the one thing he should keep in mind when he was with Sapnap...was to stay away from Dream.

He had always wondered, who was the person that could seize that cold hearted man’s love. The person must have been pretty. Must have been beautiful. Must have been… something. But he did a double take when he saw Dream.

He was pale. A sickeningly pale, his entire body looked wasted as if he could fall any second.

Dream placed a glass of water in front of George and commented politely, “The weather's cold today, here warm yourself up with a glass of water.”

The gesture surprised George, his eyes widened as he stared at Dream. From Dream's reaction just now, surely he was already aware of who he was. How could he still be able to be so calm?

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now