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Dream let out harsh coughs as he shivered from the cold. The pain from the chemotherapy treatment still had not subsided yet. He felt so alone at this moment, especially with how cold it is in the bed with just himself.

Dream bit down on his lips, staring at his phone. He just wanted to hear Sapnap's soothing voice... It was five in the afternoon in France right now, so it probably would not bother him much, right?

Dream continued to stare at his phone, before deciding to press each number of Sapnap's phone number one by one. The phone was then answered quickly, "You finally remember to give me a call huh?" A gentle voice said from the other line.

Dream gripped his phone tightly. Before, they used to call each other so often, even though they don't have the ability to pay their phone bills. But they always  found a way.

But then everything changed.

All the sudden they just felt that there was nothing to speak about between the two of them. It slowly became a competition between who could ignore the other longer. Sometimes they would barely hear from each other for over half a month.

"I miss you." Dream said, trying to not let the sadness show through his words. The words he had contained for years had just slipped this second.

Sapnap was surprised at this. It felt like... had not heard Dream say that phrase in a very long time. "I miss you too." Sapnap replied with a slight smile.

Something was off with Dream.

Sapnap could sense the distress held in those three words. His features soften and his tone become even more gentle as he continued, "I've been super busy the past couple days. Then when things got calmer, I was going to can you, but I was afraid that I would wake you. So, I decided not to give you a call." He paused, "I'll do my best to quickly finish things up here and return early to keep you company."

"Mhm..." Dream mumbled as a reply. He knew that Sapnap was lying. That was just another fake excuse he made up.

Sapnap didn't even bother to send  Dream any messages. He was far away in France, probably with his side lover. It was quite normal for him to forget about Dream though.

Dream was about to continue, but before he could, he heard another voice in the background Where Sapnap was. It had a slight accent to it, it was definitely a young boy's voice. "Hey Sap, you've been on that call for quite a while, the food is getting cold."

Ah. Dream still remembers, that he would not dare interrupt one of Sapnap's calls.

It was completely silent on Sapnap's side. Dream tried his best to make his tone as calm as possible. He did not want to put Sapnap in an awkward position. "The temperature has dropped here the past couple days, it has been very cold. " Dream paused, "And give me a call once you have returned, I'll prepare a meal for you."

It was a moment before Sapnap replied, "How thoughtful. I love you most."

Dream smiled at his words yawning a bit. "Yeah, ok. You should return to your work. I'm tired, good night. "


Dream wasn't able to fall back asleep, his heart felt like it had  been stabbed over and over again with a dull knife. He aimlessly walked around their apartment, not sure what he was even trying to find, before he dropped down on the floor. Dream bit his lip, his thin body trembling. He placed his hand over his heart to warm it. Out felt frozen.

This must be a punishment. His punishment for disobeying his family, for giving up his dreams, for loving someone he should not have.

Ring, ring ring. The familiar tone of the phone sounded throughout the home. Dream, in a daze, failed to realise it. He snapped out of it and crawled over to the phone, picking it up. He spoke without thinking as tears streamed down his face, "Sappy, I'm already about to die from the pain..."

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now