Crush of My Life 🥰

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This imagine literally called me broke and lonely. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day. Especially to the
ones without a valentine, like me. ❤️


Dawson's POV

"Royal flush!" I exclaimed, slamming my cards down and pulling all the chips to my side of the table

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"Royal flush!" I exclaimed, slamming my cards down and pulling all the chips to my side of the table.

Right now, my boys and I are having our weekly poker night, in my man cave, and it's safe to say I'm kicking their asses.

Right now, my boys and I are having our weekly poker night, in my man cave, and it's safe to say I'm kicking their asses

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"You cheated! Simply put. There's no way in hell you're that good." David's salty ass said.

"Or maybe...wait hear me out... you suck." I said, taking a sip of my beer.

"Ok fuck all that. Who made these nachos? Them shits bussin." Keith muffled out, stuffing his face.

"The Mrs made em. I'll be sure to tell her." I responded, shuffling the cards.

"How's she doing by the way? Haven't seen her in a while." My other friend, Marco asks.

"Uh she's doing pretty good? She's having a girls night, and she should be here soon."

It came out more of a question, and I can tell the guys caught on too.

"Uh oh what's going on? Is everything good with you guys?" Keith asks, as he stops eating.

"Yeah things have never been better. It's just she seems different."

"Like a good different or..." Marco adds in.

"I guess- ok lemme explain. The other day I go in the kitchen she's at the stove cooking. I was just staring at her, cause she was looking all kinds of good. She sees me, and just quickly looks away. Or I'll catch her staring at me, and when I look, she'll look off. Or she'll just get shy out of no where. She even started making me heart-shaped pancakes, and feeding them to me. I mean it's cute as hell, don't get me wrong, but I'm just confused."

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