Thats My Mama (2)

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Deshon's POV

"Pass the ball! Hustle guys, can't expect to win the game, moving like a slot! Get your rebound Jayson!" Our coach yelled at us

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"Pass the ball! Hustle guys, can't expect to win the game, moving like a slot! Get your rebound Jayson!" Our coach yelled at us.

I'm now a freshman in college, but because I've been practicing all through summer, and playing well, I'm on varsity.

After graduating high school, I got a full scholarship to LSU. Even though basketball had been a main focus of mine, I excelled in all my classes, that way if basketball doesn't work out, I'll still have my degree to work towards.

"Alright guys! Take a lap and we're done for the day." Coach finally said, after four hours of doing drills.

Our first game of the season is in two days, so he's working us harder than he has all summer. We need to win this game, to start the season off right. I also have to be on my A game since my parents are coming to see me.

They should be here today actually, my dad wanted to talk to my coach, since they're old friends.

After we were done with our lap, we sat on the bleachers taking a breath, and drinking water.

"Alright guys, you did great today, just keep this same energy on game day, and we'll come out with the win." Coach said, giving us a parting speech.

Before he could continue, we all heard the doors to the gym open, and in walked my mama.

Before he could continue, we all heard the doors to the gym open, and in walked my mama

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"Good God!" One of my teammates yelled.

They all stood there, eyeing her, as she walked closer. The outfit she wore, didn't make it any better.

 The outfit she wore, didn't make it any better

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