Thanks For What

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Happy white people stole Native Land Day.

Side not: The main characters name is pronounced moon. I just wanted to spell it differently.

Enjoy ♥️


Mune's POV

"Just a few more steps, Ms

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"Just a few more steps, Ms. Clara, and you're all done." I spoke to my patient, as I helped her walk without her cane.

She had been in physical therapy for a few months now, after she had been in a near fatal car wreck.

She broke both of her legs in several different places, but with the progress she's been making, you couldn't tell.

After she finished her last step, I helped her to a chair that was sitting on the other side of the room, where her cane was.

"You did great today Ms. Clara. Hopefully within a few more months, you won't have to walk with your cane. Just do those exercises I showed you at home, and that'll help with your recovery." I said, taking notes of how this session went.

Helping her back to the waiting area, where her husband was, I collected all of my things, and left the health center.

It had been such a long day. I did sessions of physical therapy, with seven patients, and I was just ready to go home, take a hot bath, and go to bed.

As soon as I pulled into my driveway, my phone started ringing.

As I was walking to my door, I dug my phone out of my purse, and sighed when I saw the contact.

'Mama ♥️'

"Hey ma." I greeted her, as I got my front door opened.

"Don't 'Hey ma' me. I haven't talked to you for nearly a week straight." She huffed, as I sat my purse down, and took my work shoes off, and slid on my house slippers.

"I'm sorry, ma. I've just been really busy with work. I'm actually just now walking in the house."

"Mmhm. You could've at least sent a text, but I'll let it go. I just wanted to know if you were coming home for thanksgiving." She said, and I quickly put the phone on mute, and started punching the air.

I was hoping she wouldn't ask, but that was only wishful thinking.

Getting myself together, I quickly unmuted my phone.

"I'm not sure, ma. I still have a lot going on this week."

"Mune, I haven't seen you in over a year. I miss my baby. Why won't you come home?" She asked, and I could hear her voice crack a little bit.

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