Stay With Me (4)

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This imagine was requested by Amber_green77 I hope you like it, mamás ❤️

TW: Racial slurs & slut-shaming

3rd Person POV

"Ugh! A-amber! Amber baby, wake up!" Serenity groaned, shaking her wife awake

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"Ugh! A-amber! Amber baby, wake up!" Serenity groaned, shaking her wife awake.

"Ugh! A-amber! Amber baby, wake up!" Serenity groaned, shaking her wife awake

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"What's wrong, baby?" She asked, sitting up.

"My water just broke, and my contractions are kicking in." She spoke, trying to control her breathing.

"Everything's gonna be fine, mamás, ok?" Amber says, getting up, and kissing her forehead.

Serenity watched as Amber calmly called her obgyn, and walk into the bathroom, running water in the tub, as if it was just a normal day.

When she came out, she carefully scooped Serenity in her arms bridal style, and carried her into the bathroom.

Stripping her, Amber helped her step into the warm water filled with roses and her favorite bath bomb.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Amber asked, washing Serenity's body.

"About 30 minutes apart." She leaned back, as Amber washed and massaged her feet.

After getting her clean, Amber carried her wife back into the room, and helped her get dressed.

Since they had the hospital bag already packed, she went ahead and put it in the car, before placing Serenity in the front seat.

With a couple of security guards following behind them, they headed to the hospital.

Already having a couple of nurses waiting out front for them, they carefully sat Serenity in a wheel chair, as a contraction hit.

Skin Deep: Imagines/ Request Book For Black Women 21+ (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now