In Y'all's Business

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So I kinda wanna be nosy and learn a little more about my readers, and for y'all to know a little something about me.

Y'all don't have to share if y'all don't want to, but I'm just really interested.

1: I'm 25

2: I'm a Virgo ♍️ (Earth signs are the best. Fight me if you don't agree)

3: Favorite dessert is cheesecake

4: I'm unathletic as fuck, but I like watching sports

5: I'm a huge WWE fan (like nerd level)

6: I'm pansexual

7: I got into my first fight in the 2nd grade, where I beat up three people in one day

8: I don't know how to double dutch, or braid hair, but I'm great at doing makeup, and laying wigs

9: I have 14 siblings (my dad's a whore)

10: I'm 5'1 (wasn't blessed with height 😔)

11: I procrastinate a lot, but I always get shit done, cause I work well under pressure

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