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This isn't an update, but I need to speak about this before I go nuts.

I'm only gonna say this one time, and I'm gonna leave it alone.

I do not give a fuck about Kevin Samuels dying.

It may sound harsh, but I'm not gonna pretend that I feel any remorse for anyone who spent their life spewing nothing but hatred. ESPECIALLY towards black women.

Yes it's sad he's dead, but just because a person dies, doesn't mean that we forget the way they lived and how they treated people.

Anytime he made videos or opened his mouth, it was to tell black women how worthless they were, how they were going to die alone. How they weren't desirable if they had children, and called them leftovers.

He even went as far as telling black women that we shouldn't believe our daughters if they were raped/sexually assaulted by their fathers, or their mothers significant other, because it could tear apart a marriage.

He even said that black women don't experience domestic violence, and said it's considered "domestic discipline".

Then for men to get upset because black women aren't upset about him kicking the bucket, and saying we should have respect for the dead, when he didn't even respect us when he was alive, is straight bullshit.

Just like that black boy that got sliced and diced by his white girlfriend, but openly talked about his hatred for black women, black women are not crying for people who wouldn't even piss on us if we were on fire, when they were still living.

You don't tear people down, spit on them, and create more space for people do disrespect and physically harm them, then expect those same people to give a fuck about you when something tragic happens.

Fuck Kevin and the disgusting men that worshiped him, and continue to mentally, physically, and emotionally scar and damage black women, because of him.

So many women, black women, have been harassed, physically hurt, or even killed because of the Kevin Samuels and the men that listens to him.

For the black women who've had to encounter men that listened and believed Kevin Samuels, I am so sorry that you've had to experience that pain.

You don't deserve to be hurt, or harassed, and humiliated.

You are not worthless.

Even on your down days, you are still the best fucking thing that has graced this planet, and I'll be damned if y'all think otherwise.

Don't let people make you feel bad for stepping back, and putting yourselves and your happiness first, when they don't give a damn about you.

And please PLEASE know that you are loved, and you are worth loving.

You matter.

It doesn't matter what you've gone through or experienced, you deserve happiness and you deserve to be completely loved and adored from the crown of your head, to the soles of your feet.

The people that wanna put you down, are the same ones who will wish they elevated you, and are jealous cause they will never be you, or possess what you have.

They hate what they see in the mirror, and they try to project their insecurities on you, but that is their problem, NOT yours.

I love you all, and I hope y'all have a great day.

To any mothers that read my books, Happy Mothers Day, and I hope y'all are happy and I'm sending nothing but joy, love, and good energy to you.

I love you all so much ♥️♥️♥️

(Also, I will be updating my books soon. I have a lot of special things I'm working on for y'all, but I have to keep my mouth shut, until I'm ready to present it. Just know, there's good things coming 😁😁😁)

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