Broken Bonds & Built Bridges

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Warning: Slight smut

3rd Person POV

I hope this goes well, and hopefully he'll hear me out

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I hope this goes well, and hopefully he'll hear me out.

Kheri thinks, as she paces the floor of her off campus apartment.

She was in her last year of college, and she's been holding this secret in, since her sophomore year in high school.

She had just texted her best friend, Miles, that she had something important to tell him, and depending on the outcome, they might not be friends anymore.

She had already already talked to her parents and his, and they were very supportive of her, now all she has to do is come clean to him.

A knock from her door, pulled her away from her thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, Kheri opens the door to reveal Miles. Her heart started beating fast, and another wave of nervousness fell over her.

"Wassup, K?" He asked, hesitantly.

Reading his body language, Kheri knew something was off about him, which made her all the more skeptical, if telling him was the right thing.

"Um, I really need to tell you something. I've been really hesitant, because I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I can't hide it anymore." I said, taking a seat on my couch.

"Wait Kheri, I already know what you're gonna say." He said cutting me off, confusing me.

Has he known all along?

"You do? I wanted to tell you sooner, but.."

"Look, I love Dawn ok? I'm sorry, I can't reciprocate those feelings for you." He said, confusing me even more.

"What are you talking about? What does Dawn have to do with this?" I asked. I'm seriously lost at this point.

"I know you're in love with me Kheri, but I love Dawn. When she first told me you had feelings for me, I didn't believe it, but now I can see it for myself. I should've distance myself from you, when she told me to."

Is he fucking serious?

"First of all, your so-called girlfriend is insecure as hell. Ever since she first met me, she's had a problem with us hanging out. I've told you time and time again, that she's been nothing but disrespectful towards me, and you've done nothing about it. I guess niggas get a taste of pussy and lose they fucking minds. Then for you to come in here, and won't even hear me out, shows how far your head is up her ass." I said, getting pissed off.

This nigga supposed to be my best friend, and he comes in here talking straight bullshit.

"Don't talk about her like that! You can't get mad cause I love her, and not you!" He said raising his voice.

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