Let Me Explain

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Sorry for being childish, but I just wanted inform you guys about something.

This has nothing to do with any reader or requester, and no one has said anything bad. So I'm NOT calling anybody out.

However, I know this is a request book, and sometimes you'll already have a face claim picked out, which is absolutely fine.

But, there are a few people, I will never put in my books or use as a faceclaim, and they are.

1: Chris Brown- I don't fuck with colorists and hateful human beings. So in the future, DO NOT request him, cause it'll be a hell no.

2: Michael B. Jordan- I know y'all probably like 'why he's so fine? What he do?' He is also a colorist, and I honestly don't find him attractive. Every time I see his face, I wanna punch it and piss on it. So don't request him.

3: ASAP Rocky- Simply because he's a former colorist and he stole Rihanna from me. Weak stroke having ass bitch 😂

4: That one man from the weird Netflix movie 365 Days. He's a racist SOB. I don't care how attractive he is, we don't do that racist shit over here. Imagine or not.

5: Any person who has passed away. I feel like this should be self explanatory, but it's weird as hell to right about dead people, and sexualize them. I am not into necrophilia.

6: The City Girls- I hate them with a burning passion. They are some beautiful women, but are problematic as fuck. And they was talking mad shit about my good sis Nicki.

7: The Game, 50 Cent, and T.I.- I had to put these fuckers together, cause they are the worst type of men. They are colorist, sexist, and extremely narcissistic. Especially, when it comes to black women, and I'm not supporting that in any of my books. I can't get behind any person, male or female, who thinks it's ok to talk shit about brown, dark skin women, but depend on them to make money. Not only that, but to make a mockery and joke out of black women's pain.

8: Doja cat- Also a self hating colorist, and her voice makes me wanna jump out of a plane with no parachute.

9: Basically anyone who shits on black people, especially black women. And the ones who fetishize our culture but are silent when we are disrespected, hurt, or killed 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾

There might be more, but this is all I could think of right now.

Now, y'all might disagree and think I'm doing too much, but writing is very important to me, and for each character, especially the women, I put myself into their shoes.

I don't know if you all have noticed, but in my books, the main female character is always brown, dark skin, with a few light skin women thrown in there, but they are successful, smart, loved, and takes no bullshit when it comes to relationships, or any difficult situation in their lives.

That's because, I want black women to be represented in a good light.

People are always over looking us, and treating us as a last resort, or putting negative stereotypes on us, and I want my books to be a safe place for black women to see that they are loved adored and appreciated.

It's ok if you think otherwise, because people are entitled to their own opinion, but don't expect to read my books and see white women, or European women as my main characters. It's just not gonna happen.

But, so far, everyone has been loving the female main characters and I am happy.

I really appreciate all the love my books have been receiving, especially this one. I didn't think anybody would really fuck with it.

I had came out of a deep depression with an urge to write, and you guys have been extremely supportive, and I will forever be thankful for that.

Sorry for the rant, and spilling my heart out.

I love you guys ❤️

Skin Deep: Imagines/ Request Book For Black Women 21+ (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now