Where My Eyes Can See

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This imagine was inspired by another Wattpad writer, but I forgot their username, and book I saw it in. If y'all know who they are, please tag them.

I loved their imagine, and wanted to do my own twist on the concept.

(Warning: Pure freak shit. If you can't handle it, you might wanna skip) 😏


Reggie's POV

"What's up with you and Hazell? Y'all been acting weird all day?" My boy Greg asked, while we played cards

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"What's up with you and Hazell? Y'all been acting weird all day?" My boy Greg asked, while we played cards.

My fiancé and I came to a little kickback, just to get out the house for the night, since tension between us has been high.

It's not like we've had an argument or anything.

I just came home one day, and Hazell was almost as quiet as a mouse. It looked like she was in deep thought about something.

When I asked her what was wrong, it was like she couldn't find the words, then she'd say forget about it.

I guess the tension has become noticeable to others.

"Man, I don't even know. She won't talk to me about what's going on. I can't think of anything I did, so I don't know what to do." I said, throwing a card in the middle of the table.

Looking over towards the kitchen, I saw her smiling, talking to one of her girls.

I love Hazell, but I can't help but think she's possibly falling out of love with me

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I love Hazell, but I can't help but think she's possibly falling out of love with me. It's a fucked up thought to have, especially when we're so close to our wedding date.

"I say make her talk to you. When y'all go home, just sit her down. Don't give her a choice to avoid talking. If not, y'all are just gonna keep walking on eggshells around each other." Mario, another one of my boys said.

I guess I really don't have much of a choice, since I don't know what else to do.

After a couple of hours at the kickback, Hazell and I headed back to the house, and the ride was silent.

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