Ted Talks (10)

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Hopefully this time, I won't piss anybody off, but please remember, these are opinions, and we're here to have an open discussion.

1: I believe porn plays a huge role in the fetishization of black men with white women. Almost every video or ad, you'll see it's white women fawning or being obsessed with sleeping with black men, or leaving their husbands for bbc. What's even worse is, black men know they are being fetishized, but they equate fucking white women, to being equal to white men. It even gets to a point where they let white women bash black women, and let them say racial slurs,  and breathe life into negative stereotypes about black women, just so they can get some pussy.

2:I don't like it when poc say they should be allowed to say nigga, because we all share a struggle and are considered minorities. Yes, each poc has had history with racism and discrimination, but that does not mean our struggles are the same, and it doesn't mean you can use that word. I truly don't understand why people wanna say it so bad. There are literally slurs for every race of poc, but they fighting for their lives to say nigga.

3:This is a weird personal one, but I don't trust a man that wears sandals. I don't understand the science behind it, but it's something about a man's feet that don't sit right with me 😂

4:I don't like how music now days isn't as meaningful, and artists are literally doing the bare minimum, and are lacking talent. It's like their only goal is to go viral on TikTok, so a mediocre white person can steal a dance and make it popular. Most songs now days burn out quickly, and people barely remember them. I just wish we had artists that were more passionate about music, and give us great albums that'll be considered classics when we get older.

5: This is gonna piggyback off the last one, but Hollywood is running out of good movie ideas, and they keep making different movies, with the same plot. They cast the same people, there's barely any good representation, and it's getting boring.

6: Cooking and cleaning is not a gender role, they are life essentials. I'm tired of men making videos comparing modern women, with the women from older generations. They literally don't do shit, and bash women who don't need them. They hate a woman with standards, and love to say they can't be with a woman that's high maintenance, but fail to realize that SHE is the one maintaining her lifestyle. Women are finishing college, breaking generational curses, starting businesses, buying homes in their 20's, and traveling the world on their own dime, yet the only thing they've been doing are being bitter, making podcasts about why the women they want, don't want them, while sitting on an unwashed ass. As well as using those same women for what they've built, then turning around telling them their accomplishments don't mean shit, if they aren't in a relationship with a man, who's standards are in the 9th circle of hell.

7: I wanna argue😂 sugar does not belong in grits or spaghetti. Fight me

8: Vanilla ice cream is made out of beaver ass. Google it 😂

9: The movie Baby Boy is the perfect example of what NOT to allow in your relationships. It screams toxic, and I hate when people reference it as black love, or the type of love that they want, because it's glorifies nothing but heartbreak, people not taking accountability, and men wanting to be coddled.

10: The sexualization of black children will never sit right with me. Especially black girls. It doesn't matter how fast their bodies developed, they are still kids, and should be treated like kids. Too many people have gotten away with making disgusting remarks, and I'm sick of it. What makes it worse, there are other adults who knows it happens, but don't say anything.

All opinions are welcome, but please no fighting

Love ya ♥️

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