Ladies Check In

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I just wanted to write this quick note. Honestly I should have wrote it at the beginning of this book, but better late than never.

Any picture I use that describes a characters outfit, in an imagine, is for that purpose only.

It is not a representation of their body type.

I know all women come in different shapes and sizes, and I want y'all to imagine their bodies however you want.

When I write, I never really describe the woman's body, because I want you all to imagine it, however you want. I don't like making a big deal about sizes, because it doesn't matter.

Y'all are beautiful regardless.

I hate reading books when the entire plot is a plus size girl not feeling good enough because of her size and body type, and I don't like that shit.

Being plus size doesn't mean a woman is ugly and insecure.

So if I have any plus size women reading, please know that I always write with y'all fine asses in mind as well.

This is a safe place for y'all too 😘

Skin Deep: Imagines/ Request Book For Black Women 21+ (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now