Is This The End

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of anxiety, and miscarriage.


3rd Person POV

"How do you feel about your progression? Do you think you've moved forward a bit?" Jewel's therapist asked, needing to know the next steps she should take in her healing process

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"How do you feel about your progression? Do you think you've moved forward a bit?" Jewel's therapist asked, needing to know the next steps she should take in her healing process.

"Definitely better than when I first started coming to see you, but I still have my days where it's a struggle to get out of bed. I try to find new things that interest me, to keep my mind off of it, instead of wallowing in grief." She said, playing with the hymn of her shirt.

Her therapist noticed she did that, anytime she felt uncomfortable, or started to get lost in her thoughts.

"It's normal to have down days, grief isn't an easy process. What matters is, you're expressing your self the best way you can, instead of holding all that pain in."

"I guess you're right."

"How have things been with your husband?" Her therapist asked, noticing the missing ring from her left hand.

From the five months Jewel had been coming to see her, she always had her ring on, except for today.

"The same. Actually, I think it's gotten worse. I don't really know where we stand." Jewel said, biting her trembling lip.

The topic of her husband had been a sore topic since she began therapy, and things hadn't gotten any better.

"We're you able to finally have a conversation with him, and speak your mind?" She asked, writing down notes of Jewel's reactions and emotions to her questions.

"No. I don't really see him much, these days. He leaves for work before I wake up, and I'm in bed asleep by the time he comes home. He's avoiding me." She said, thinking about her husbands lack of presence.

"Mrs. Frank, I believe the best way for you to get through this hard process, is to have that tough talk with him, no matter what. You've done well with your progression, but we can't move forward unless you speak what's on your heart to him. I would even suggest he attend these sessions with you. Do you think you'll be able to get him to come?"

"He's never liked the idea of getting outside help, but, I can try." Jewel said, wiping a tear before it could fall.

"That's all I ask. I know this might not be something you want to hear, but as your therapist, I have to be as honest and helpful as possible. If your husband isn't willing to listen or attend these sessions with you, do you think you'll be able to continue a relationship with him?" She asked, and the tears Jewel tried to hold back came falling down.

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