Story Time (2) 18+

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Y'all know I'm stupid as hell sometimes, but I have another Twitter/Snapchat story for y'all.

Aight so boom, I'm on my Twitter, being gay as fuck, like I always am, and I get a dm from this girl, saying she wanted to be 'friends'

Keep in mind our twitters are private, so we don't what each other look like.

We talk in the dms for a little bit, and I'm comfortable enough to give her my snap, which is also private.

So she send me a snap of part of her face, sticking her tongue out, and I'm immediately disgusted cause the shit was white.

Like does she not brush her tongue🤢

Anyway that's when I find out she a masc stud, which is no problem, cause I'm pansexual, but she kept repeating the same shit over and over on some freaky stuff, and I'm responding back, bored as hell.

She'll literally message me on the middle of the day, wanting me to send pic, and saying she wanna ride my face, and I'm bullshitting saying 'I can't right now I'm at work' like coming up with excuses.

We both agreed to stay anonymous, but then she wanted me to send her voice notes, and I'm like hell Naw, why you wanna know what I sound like.

So my last straw, was her waiting for me to send her something after I got off 'work' but I ended up blocking her on Snap and Twitter.
I really hope she doesn't see this, but if she does oh well.

I can't talk to nobody with a dirty ass tongue, and a lack of personality.

Sometimes I just want a legit friend I can talk to, and the only thing she seemed to want was sex.

I am a person damn it.

Anyway thanks for reading love ya ♥️

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