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Promises mean everything to me, but keeping them matters the most.

When we first got together, it felt like I was walking on clouds, and I never wanted to come down.

You were attentive, affectionate, compassionate, and loving.

I had no worries or doubts when I was with you.

I found myself smiling at seeing your name pop up on my caller ID.

Now I'm barely getting a text.

I feel more like an acquaintance, than a girlfriend.

Actually I'd have to talk to you to even be considered that.

I can't even ask you for a simple thing without being told I'm nagging too much, so I just stayed silent.

That's not like me either.

When we met, you told me you loved how I always spoke my mind.

I guess you changed your mind about that too.

Now it seems like that sound of my voice is what drives you crazy.

I think what hurts the most, is you get my hopes up, pretending to be the person I fell in love with, only to let me down.

I can't count how many dates you planned, only to not show up.

But this last time, you waited until I got dressed.

I put on the sexiest outfit I could find.

Perfectly did my makeup.

Even put on the jewelry you got me from our first anniversary.

But when I walked downstairs, you were too busy playing the game with your friends.

You weren't even dressed.

When I reminded you, you simply said you forgot, and we could go next time.

I knew that was a lie.

I stood there, looking at the back of your head, realizing this wasn't what I was promised.

This isn't where I wanted to be.

I wasn't happy with who I had become, and I most definitely wasn't comfortable with the person that promised to love me.

I counted out all the times you lead me wrong, made me feel weak, and pathetic.

Made me feel like I was a nuisance, and a burden.

When I was done counting, I realized you had ran out of strikes.

I was pissed that I allowed you to make so many of the same mistakes, without you having to face the consequences.

I let you think you could control me, but that's over now.

So instead of arguing, I just grabbed my purse and keys, and walked out.

I didn't go to a bar, or a club, I just drove.

Drove around the entire city, thinking about what was best for me, and my happiness.

When I finally made it back home, you were still in that same position on the couch, and I walked right past you.

You probably didn't even notice I was gone.

I went upstairs, cleaned my face from makeup, and changed into my pajamas.

An hour after I got into bed, you slid in behind me, trying to wrap your arms around my waist, but my stomach churned at the thought of you touching me, so I scooted out of your reach.

I could tell you were surprised by my actions, but I didn't care.

I just closed my eyes, and went to sleep.

The best sleep I'd had in a while.

For weeks you'd try what you could to get my attention.

You'd bring me flowers, bring lunch to my job, try to take me out on dates.

But I wasn't interested.

As soon as you left, the flowers were at the bottom of the trash can.

Your lunch would be given to the homeless man, sitting on the curb.

And those dates would be cancelled, since I had already made plans.

Your efforts were futile.

You didn't know what to think of my disinterest towards you.

I think the day you walked in on me packing my bags, was the most emotion I'd seen from you in our whole relationship.

You questioned me about where I was going, who I was going with, and why I was leaving.

Questions you should've already known the answers to.

You showed me you didn't want me, and I had no choice but to believe it.

Any free time I was able to have to myself, I was looking for houses, cars, new jobs.

I made sure that when I left, I didn't have to look back for anything.

I had to make sure I was gonna be ok.

And I am.

I was great before you, and I'll be even greater after you.

I think the question that made me stare into your eyes one last time, was when you asked if I was leaving you for someone else.

Why is it when you break up with someone they think it's because you found someone else?

But I guess in this case, he was right.

I am leaving him for someone.

I'm leaving him, for me.

I found myself.

I fell in love with myself.

I'm treating me right.

I'm giving me everything I deserve and more.

I won't break my own heart.

I won't lead me on.

I won't lie to me.

But I can't say the same for you.

You had your chance to love me, and now it's my turn.


~I genuinely don't know where this came from, but I love this writing style.

~As you can see, there were no face claims for this imagine. I kinda wanted you guys to imagine it as yourself, and hopefully if anyone is having relationship issues, realize that putting yourself first is the most important.

~It's ok to love a person, but don't love them, more than you love yourself.

~Anyway. I hope you guys liked it. If so, let me know in the comments, and show some love by voting ❤️

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