Worth The Risk

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Dreya's POV

"Professor, what do you think about these laws that are trying stop teachers from teaching about critical race theory?" Zander, one of my students asked

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"Professor, what do you think about these laws that are trying stop teachers from teaching about critical race theory?" Zander, one of my students asked.

"It's simple, I think it's bullshit." I said, making them laugh.

"But seriously, I think it's just another way for Caucasian's to paint this narrative of them being innocent. If teachers are actually spreading the truth about this country, then they would realize minorities have never been the problem. They've spent so many years calling everyone else savages, but really it's them, and they see it everyday, when they look in the mirror. Think of it as bullying. A person can hurt and harass the smaller kid, or the one they think are weak, but when that underdog bites back, they look surprised, and want to play the victim. You don't get repeatedly treat people like shit, and expect them to just lay there and take it. At some point, people are gonna fight back. Now, are there anymore questions?" I asked, leaning back on my desk, crossing my arms.

Hearing a few no's I walked on the other side of my desk, and grabbed my empty basket and sat it in the center of it.

"Good, cause I'm sick of seeing y'all. We are done for the day, so bring your reports, and put them in the basket, and y'all are free to go."

It's been one hell of a week, and I'm ready to take my ass home, drink, and go to bed.

I sat back in my chair, scrolling through my phone, as each of them placed their papers in the basket, taking their leave.

I was so caught up in it, I didn't notice someone standing in front of me, until they placed themselves right on top of my desk, swinging their legs back and forth.

"Are you done ignoring me, professor." Came the sweet voice of one of my students.

Out of instinct, my eyes glared up her beautiful body, to her strikingly gorgeous face

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Out of instinct, my eyes glared up her beautiful body, to her strikingly gorgeous face.

"Did you turn your report in?" I asked, ignoring her question, as a pout set in on her face.

"Yes, now answer my question. Why have you been ignoring me? I've missed you."

"We're not doing this, Malia. This is very inappropriate." I said, standing up from my chair, grabbing the basket of papers.

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