Like I Want You

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Aya's POV

"A are you almost done?! I'm ready to go?!" Boo asked, from the other side of my door

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"A are you almost done?! I'm ready to go?!" Boo asked, from the other side of my door.

"A are you almost done?! I'm ready to go?!" Boo asked, from the other side of my door

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"Uh yeah! I just have to put my shoes and jewelry on!" I lied.

She came to my house, so we could get ready together, and go to a mutual friends house, and just chill.

I was laying in the middle of my bed, with my robe wrapped around me, scrolling on my phone.

I had already did my hair and makeup, but I deserved a break from all that hard work.

Groaning I got off the bed, and slid on something slight.

I just put on my gold watch, and my little gold chain that had my name on it, before spraying on my perfume

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I just put on my gold watch, and my little gold chain that had my name on it, before spraying on my perfume.

When I snatched my door open, Boo was looking at me with her judge squinted eyes.

"Your tongue is gonna fall out, if you keep lying." She huffed, walking down the hall.

Hugging her from behind, I obnoxiously kissed her cheek.

"If my tongue falls out, then you wouldn't hear my beautiful voice, and I wouldn't be able to kiss your pretty lips. Both of them." I whispered in her ear, hearing her breathing speed up.

Skin Deep: Imagines/ Request Book For Black Women 21+ (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now