Love & War

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This imagine does not follow any story lines, but I hope you guys enjoy it ❤️


3rd Person POV

"Fuck! How the fuck are we supposed to get his ass now?! He'll see us coming, from damn near every angle!" Ghost yelled, throwing a glass at the wall, making it shatter.

"I don't fucking know! This stupid bitch, got a lot of eyes in the city. We need someone that that can get close to him, and give us at least a five minute window." Tommy huffed, sitting back on the couch.

They had been looking for this rat that used to work for them, for months now, since he went underground

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They had been looking for this rat that used to work for them, for months now, since he went underground.

The fucker decided to get bold, and show his face, but he has a few people in the city that's still covering for him.

"That's nearly impossible. He definitely not about to let some new nigga in, and he knows just about every bitch in the city." Ghost said, leaning against the counter.

"There is one he doesn't know about. But, Tommy will have to get her." Tasha said, coming out of her and Ghost's room.

He instantly knew who she was talking about.

"Oh fuck no! Hell no! I'll be dead before I could even get the first word out!" He yelled, sitting up.

"Come on, bro. She perfect for the job, and she's Craig's type. Just try to talk to her." Ghost said, rubbing his temples, but he knew Tommy was right.

Ole girl nearly knocked his head clean off his shoulders, the last time she saw him.

"I mean, you did kinda fuck her over, but it's not about that. If you really wanna find Craig, you're gonna have to get her on our side. Plus, I miss my girl. She's good peoples." Tasha said, fixing herself a drink.

"Y'all deadass want me to die. Aight I'll do it, but if I come up missing, she did it." He said, getting off the couch, throwing his jacket on.


10:41 pm

Parking his car in a dark alley, Tommy walked to the next street over, cutting through backyards, before making it to the house he was looking for.

Picking the lock on the back door, he quietly walked in and shut it behind him.

Hearing R&B music coming from upstairs, he slowly climbed the steps, until he got to the bedroom, where the music got louder.

Cracking the door open, he saw steam coming from under the bathroom door, so he walked in, and planted himself at the foot of the bed.

Cracking the door open, he saw steam coming from under the bathroom door, so he walked in, and planted himself at the foot of the bed

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