Built Bridges (2)

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This imagine was requested by Bored_And_Afraid    thank you for reading and being active ❤️

This is a backstory of Broken Bonds & Built Bridges. If you haven't read that imagine yet, I would recommend reading it first, to have a better understanding of the plot.

Warning: Mature Content

Kheri's POV

"Kheri Patrice Laughton!" The Dean said, through the microphone

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"Kheri Patrice Laughton!" The Dean said, through the microphone.

I could hear all of my family screaming, as I walked across the stage, to accept my degree.

"Congratulations, Ms. Laughton. You will do great things from here on out." The Dean said, shaking my hand.

After I got back to my seat, I watched as the rest of my colleagues accepted their certificates.

When I heard Miles' name get called, I just looked on quietly.

Ain't no need for me to get excited for a fraudulent ass nigga, but I heard his girlfriend obnoxiously screaming for him.

After the ceremony, I went and found my family.

"Kheri, I'm so proud of you!" My mom said excitedly, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Don't hog her up, Marie. Congratulations, sweetie. All your hard work paid off." My dad said, pulling me into a bear hug, as well.

This went on with damn near all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

"So, what are you doing to celebrate?" One of my cousins asked, as we were walking to the cars.

"I just wanna have a small dinner, with just the family. Its been a stressful week, and I still have to pack, since I'm leaving in a few days."

Even though I just got my degree, I can't start slacking. I have a business plan, that I need to get right on top of.

"I wish you could come home for a while, but I know once your mind is set on something, there's no stopping you." One of my aunts said.

"Kheri! Kheri!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"I'll meet y'all back at my apartment, and we can just have dinner there." I said, getting into my car.

I was not about to waste my time with Miles. He made it clear that he didn't want to be around me, and I'm gonna honor that.

"Alright, baby. We're gonna run to the store, to make sure we have enough food for everyone." My mama said.

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