Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty

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The characters in this imagine are older, and have an age gap (34-50) If you're uncomfortable, you can skip this imagine, or imagine their ages however you want.

(This imagine, is a roller coaster of feels, and has 8,774 words. Sheesh!)

Also, I am not personally shaming SW. I don't care how you get your money, and fund your lifestyle. This is just a storyline for an imagine.

Enjoy 😊


3rd Person POV

"Check me, please

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"Check me, please." Valerie said, flaring her nostrils, so Geneva could see if there were any boogers in her nose.

"You're good." Gen said, leaning against the elevator, mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

They were going to attend some elite party, in the heart of Manhattan, but Geneva didn't want to go.

She was used to the lifestyle, and didn't find it as appealing as she used to, but Valerie was just recently getting a taste of the good life.

"Would you please cheer up? I feel like tonight's gonna be a good night." Val said, bouncing with excitement, trying to get some kind emotion out of her friend, besides annoyance.

"Yeah, for you. I don't understand why you just won't work for me. The job is easy, and it pays well." Gen said, making Val roll her eyes.

"We've been over this a thousand times, Gen. I don't wanna work. I want to be taken care of, and be flown out to different countries, and spoiled with designer everything. You get to do it all the time, so why can't I have the same thing?" Val asked, with a bit of attitude laced in her voice.

Gen and Val had been friends for a long time, but their lives went in completely different directions.

While Geneva finished college at the top of her class, and went on to head her dad's business, in creating knew technologies and weapons for the military and armed forces, Valerie dropped out a few months into her junior year.

She had gotten too overwhelmed with school, and just felt it wasn't for her. So instead of going back home, where her family was, she worked at different bars, making mixed drinks, until she found that stripping would bring in more money.

Geneva supported her decisions, because Val was a grown woman and could do what she wanted to do. However it didn't stop Gen from worrying about her.

When Gen's business continued to grow, she offered Val several different jobs to get out of that lifestyle, but she always turned it down, saying she deserved to be catered to.

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