Castle On The Hill (2)

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Please don't mind any errors, and gonna go back later and do some editing.

Enjoy 😊


Hera's POV

Hera's POV

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"...Listen, I understand that bu...Just give me a little more time, and I promise things will work out...I know. I know. I'll call back later, just give him a kiss for me...bye." I heard Azima say, on the other side of the bathroom door.

I was about to take a shower, but I forgot my cap on the bed

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I was about to take a shower, but I forgot my cap on the bed. I stopped when I heard her hushed tone, and it was obvious she was on the phone with someone.

She's only been courting me for a couple of months, and we haven't done anything other that hold each other's hand.

I wasn't trying to get physical too soon, because I still don't trust her like I used to, and this whispering she's been doing lately, is raising my suspicions.

Opening the bathroom door, I watched as she hurried up and got off the phone.

"H-hey. I thought you were taking a shower." She said, and I could hear her breathing had picked up like she was nervous, but I didn't call it out.

Not yet.

"I was, I just forgot my shower cap. You good?" I asked, nodding to the phone in her hand.

"Oh, yeah. That was just my mom, asking how everyone was." She said, and her eyes shifted to the left.

She was lying.

"Mmh. Okay. Well I'm gonna finish showering."

Grabbing my cap off the bed, I went back into the bathroom, trying to figure what the hell is going on.

I was caught up in seeing her for the first time in years, and now that things have settled, I just feel...different.

I love her, but I don't know. It doesn't feel like the same love we had when we were 18.

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