All Women

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I kinda wanna put my little two cents in on this little Dani Leigh and Dababy situation, cause this is some messy shit.

First, I wanna say it's sad to see anybody going through heartbreak, especially when they're in the public eye.

Now I know some people might not agree, and it's ok. This is just my opinion.

1: I believe this situation is both of their karma for sneaking around while Dababy was still with his child's mother, and Dani knowingly sleeping with him, knowing he wasn't single.

I hate when people try to justify a side chicks behavior, saying she didn't owe the girlfriend or wife any loyalty, but your morals come into question when you brag about ruining someone's relationship, especially when a child is involved.

2: I only feel bad that he put her out while she was feeding the child, and apparently he was gonna put the baby out too. Now no matter how negative you feel toward your child's mother, you should never make the child suffer for both of y'all's actions. They knew the risk of having unprotected sex.

3: I wouldn't necessarily say Dani asked for this to happen, because no one wants to get there heart broken, however Dababy has shown her multiple times, that he didn't care about her, and pretty much used her for sex. He even admitted to her face in front of the world that she was nothing but a side bitch, and that's all she'll ever be. Which is disgusting and low down for him to say. Although we already knew she was a side piece, he should still have some sort of respect for her as the mother of his child.

4: The only person I feel sorry for is the child, because she's completely innocent in this situation. That baby hasn't even been in this world for more than three months, and is already in the middle of their parents drama. I can only imagine how she'll feel when she grows up, seeing those videos of how her parents acted, while she was right there.

If any woman that is planning on having a child, please know who you're having a baby with.

This situation is the perfect example of when two people sleep together without protection, or truly not knowing one another, and now they have so much hatred toward the other because people's true colors are showing.

Now they're stuck with each other for a lifetime, and their child has to suffer from their actions.

I know sometimes people will pretend and put on a facade, acting like they love you and wanna spend the rest of their lives with you. And some will even go as far as marrying you, then walking out, and building an entirely new family.

I just want us women to be safe. Protect your hearts, your mental health, and your energy, because lord knows a lot of these men will never change, take accountability, and will continue to make a fool and mockery out of you.

If you happen to be in a similar situation, love yourself enough to get up and leave.

I know it might hurt and be difficult, but if you stay, things will only continue to get worse.

I promise there is better out there, and someone will truly love you for who you are.

It could be someone you never expected.

Never let anyone, man or woman, make you feel like you have to beg, plead, and cry for their their love.

You deserve happiness from the beginning. You don't have to suffer to get your happy ending.

You are the prize.

You are the golf fucking metal.

You are one in a million, and someone is gonna make sure you know that every chance they get.

I love you guys ♥️

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