Let Me Explain (3)

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Alright so y'all already know how this goes. This is a list of things or people that I can't put in my books.

Let's go!

1: Nicki Minaj- This one right here was difficult for me to put, because is someone I grew up listening to, but I can't be a hypocrite. There's a lot of speculations of her trying to pay off a woman to keep quiet about her husbands SA case. I don't know how much of it is true, honestly don't know all the details, but I don't feel comfortable writing anything else. This book is to uplift and support black women, and I wouldn't feel right, knowing that there could possibly be BW who were SA, that read my books. I made an imagine with her face claim in it, in my old book, before these allegations came out, and I was gonna write more on it, but I can't. So if anyone was expecting another part, I'm sorry. If things turn out to be false maybe, but as of right now, I can't write anything else with her in it.

2: Please don't request any high school imagines. I am a grown ass woman, and I would feel so uncomfortable writing smuts about underage people, even if the face claims are actual adults. College imagines are fine, but high school is a HELL NO. (I know recently a reader requested an OMB imagine with Jamal, and I like the idea, but it's probably gonna be in a college setting or something. I'll figure it out. Whoever they are, I didn't mean to call you out, I love you babe, and thanks for the request 🥰)

3: White Latinas: Please argue with your mother if you get upset, I truly don't give a fuck, but this book ain't for them. I am pro black. Most importantly, I am pro black women, including Afro Latinas. So don't expect to see Jlo, Selena Gomez, or Camila cabello or any kind of those women. It's not happening. (I'm also gonna throw in Zoe Saldana. She's an Afro Latina but denies her African heritage. We don't do that self hate here love.

4: Jack Harlow- He hasn't done anything that I know of, I'm just not understanding the chokehold he has on black women. Plus, I just don't find him attracting. SNS

5: Justin Bieber- A big ass culture appropriator, and he's a terrible husband to his wife. He need his ass beat for them dusty ass sour 'dreads' he had in his head.

6: Brandy and Ray J- They are distant cousins of mine, and honestly it would be hella uncomfortable making imagines about them.

7: Omarion- First, what the hell was he doing on stage. Second, the girl that yelled 'Yes!' Needs her ass whooped. Anyway, he is also a distant cousin, so don't request. It's weird.

8: Meek Mill- Simply put, he's a punk ass bitch that likes to hit women, but won't step to a man. I have no respect for him. He can eat a dick and lay face down ass up in a ditch for all I care.

9: Jay Park- If you don't know him he's a Korean American hip hop and R&B artist, that's a major culture vulture. When he gets called out for appropriation, he tells black people that it's not that serious, and we doing too much. Yet his whole persona is trying to be black. Gtfo with that bullshit

10: The Clairmont Twins: The self hate is strong, and they try so hard to be everything except for who they truly are and they are some of the biggest scammers I've ever seen.

11: Summer Walker- She weird as hell to me, and she be starving the fuck out her baby. Feeding them twigs and leaves and shit. She look like she don't bathe and use deodorant, and I don't like that

12: Emaza- If you don't know her, she from a girl group Ceraadi. She literally threw her own sisters away, and treated them like trash. A major trump supporter, problematic, and the perfect example of a mixed kid with a white mom and black dad. Iykyk

13: This doesn't particularly have anything to do with my imagines, but I need to get it off my chest. Any black woman who still supports R Kelly, is a disgusting waste of sperm, that should have been swallowed, and need they asses whooped. The fact that they are blaming underage black girls who are victims of this man, instead of holding him accountable is absolutely disgusting. They are the type of women who tell little girls that they are too fast, or make them change clothes when the creepy uncle comes over, instead of keeping that person away from that child's home. I have no respect for anybody who thinks his actions are ok, and are making excuses for him. This goes for Bill Cosby as well. I don't give a fuck how old he is. He's a dirty old man, and should still be in prison. Fuck them and the people that support them. I said what I said, and whoever gets mad, can pull up on me. I don't give a fuck.

Sorry for snapping, but I couldn't be silent.

That is all for now. Back to your regularly scheduled programs 😘

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