Ghosts Of The Past

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This imagine does not follow the shows storyline.

I'm really looking forward to the new season of OMB.
All I know is, Monse better not pull that ugly ass crying face she did last season.


Xyra's POV

"Would you calm the hell down?! You act like I didn't grow up there!" I said to my little brother, over the phone

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"Would you calm the hell down?! You act like I didn't grow up there!" I said to my little brother, over the phone.

I'm just got off the plane, and now I'm driving to my hometown to visit my family, since I decided to take a vacation from work.

"Yeah, but things are different now! It's not as safe as it used to be!" Jamal said, panicking.

He's six years younger than me, but he swears he's my big brother.

"Well too late, I'm almost there." I said, finally making it into Freeridge, causing him panic even more.

"I-I need my inhaler. Wait, I don't have asthma. Well I do now!" He started talking to himself.

I just hung the phone up, cause he was not about to give me a headache.

As I made it down my parents' street, I noticed how different everything was. It looked so lifeless, and depressing.

When I parked in the driveway, I couldn't even make it out of the car all the way, before I was tackled to the ground.

"Gotdamn, Jamal! Maybe if you tackled like that in football tryouts, you would've made the team." I groaned, pushing him off me.

"I'd be physically impossible for me to take down one of the football players. They'd snap my neck in two." He said, dusting himself off.

"You tackle me like that again, and imma snap you in half. Now, give me a proper hug."

He immediately embraced me. It had been over a year since I was able to see him. Usually, my family would come to New York to see me, but they weren't able to make it last year, and I'd become so busy with my clothing store, that I couldn't come see them.

"How long are you gonna be here?" He asked, as we leaned against my car.

"How long are you gonna be here?" He asked, as we leaned against my car

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