When One Door Closes

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Scott's POV

"Why are you being so fucking difficult, Scott?!" My wife, Josie yelled, running her fingers through her hair

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"Why are you being so fucking difficult, Scott?!" My wife, Josie yelled, running her fingers through her hair.

"Why won't you be honest with me?! You think I don't deserve to know why you all of a sudden want a divorce?!" I yelled back, just as frustrated.

It had only been a few weeks after our seven year anniversary, and a few days ago she drops a major fucking bomb on me, telling me she wants a divorce.

This is the first time I've seen her since then, because she walked out, and went God knows where.

"It doesn't matter why I want one, I just do." She said, not looking at me.

She always turned away, when she's lying.

"That's bullshit, and you know it. You smile in my face telling me how much you love me and wanna have kids, but all of a sudden you're miserable and want out? Stop being a fucking liar for once, and tell the truth."

I'm trying my best to keep calm, but talking to her is like pulling teeth.

"Fine! You wanna know the truth?! Well truth is, I'm in love with someone else. When I said I wanted kids, I was being honest. I just don't want them with you. I've had an IUD implanted, for the last five years, because regular birth control was too much of a risk. Don't get me wrong, Scott, I did love you. I truly did, and I tried to hold on as much as I could, but I can't anymore. Everything was great in the beginning, but now it's like we're stuck in this boring ass cycle, that never seems to end. I want excitement, I want spontaneity, I want passion, and I can't get that from you. You're never home, and when you are, you're too tired for sex. It's you whose lying to yourself. You don't love me either, so let's stop making this more difficult than it has to be." She said, cutting me deeply, but that last part pissed me off.

"Is that your sorry excuse for cheating on me? You literally sit here and try to blame me for your fucked up choices. Do you actually think it's a walk in the park being married to you?" I asked, but she just stayed silent.

"Nothing to say now, huh? Well since you wanna be honest with me, how about I hit you with a little bit of truth. You are the most lazy, self centered, stuck up, money hungry bitch I've ever met. As soon as we got married, you quit your job, since you wanted to be a house wife, and I supported that decision, because I loved you. Not once did I ever ask you for anything, but you expected everything from me. Flaunting to your friends the money, the houses, the cars, the jewelry, the expensive clothes, the weekend trips to different countries, and not once did I complain. I worked my ass off to make sure you were happy. I took you on dates, gave you genuine compliments, comforted you when your family turned their backs on you. I made time, and no matter how busy things got with work, I always made sure to put you first, but you never did the same. So excuse me, if I'm tired from working my ass off to make sure you look pretty for all those fraudulent people you keep around. You'd think with you being a housewife, I'd at least come home to dinner and a clean house. No, I had to hire a fucking maid, because you couldn't do the bare minimum. You wanna talk about me being too tired for sex? Maybe I don't wanna have sex with a woman, who lays there like a dead fish. You never wanna try anything new. All you want is boring ass missionary, and when I try to switch things up, you start complaining. You don't think I've thought about fucking other women, and doing things to them, that I should be doing with my wife, because let me tell you I have. But I didn't, because I actually gave a damn about you. You know what? Now that I think about it, a divorce doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I'll actually find someone who appreciates me, and actually shows some kind of affection, besides swiping my damn card." I said, picking up a pen and signing my name on the divorce papers.

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